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I Dreamt (of Christ)

I dreamt that Jesus rose from dead,
And he's alive like me.
He walks and bears an eerie weight,
His hands are taped yet bleed.
He walks through desolate back yards
Of empty city wards,
It seems he craves to say the Word
But cannot find right words.
[Chorus:] x2
I was dreaming Jesus rose from dead,
I was dreaming he's alive.
I dreamt that sometime he called me,
When he looked for retreat,
And inadvertently let slip,
That he'll be murdered here.
I dreamt that he was doing meth1
With punks in stairwell haze,
And they were beating him to death
With knuckles and steel chains.
[Chorus] x2
His last laugh sounded in the throes
And then turned into groan.
I dreamt that I was one of those
With whom he'd gotten stoned.
Then I woke up and had a smoke,
Looked through the window pane:
The whole deserted world evoked
An orphanage in pain.
[Chorus] x4
  • 1. lit. - drinking wine
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