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  • Megaherz

    L'aventure → Engels vertaling

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the adventure

a room so loud
here is full with people
I push my way through
you're the aim in my sight
I see the way you dance
and the way you move
you noticed that immediately
and looked toward me
a glance that shows what pushes us
the adventure, just one night, a night long
so weak-headed alone with you tonight
the adventure,just one night, a night long
your heart, so wild tonight, excites my lap
now I feel you
your breath so hot and heavy
you bend down on me
it's already so long here
you're wonderfully unknown to me
so new and unused
your touch burns
like fire under my skin
a scream bares what releases us
the adventure, just one night, a night long
so weak-headed alone with you tonight
the adventure,just one night, a night long
your heart, so wild tonight, excites my lap
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