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The Lady of Aragon

In Aragon there is a lady
Who is as beautiful as the sun;
She has a blond mane of hair
That reaches down to her heels.
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
Her mother would style her hair
With a comb made out of gold;
Her sister braided
Her hair in double strands.
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
For each strand of hair, a pearl;
For each pearl, a gold ring;
For each gold ring, a ribbon
Wrapped all around her body.
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
The hairclips on her hair
Where nine-coloured roses;
Her brother stared at her
In a very loving manner.
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
- "If we weren't bother and sister, Marie,
We would get married;
But, since we are both legitimate siblings,
I shall find you a suitor."
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
He has taken her to the fair,
To the fair of Lyon;
He has bought her so many rings
That they fall from her handkerchief.
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
As they walked around the fair
The bells toll, announcing High Mass.
- "My dear brother, let's attend mass;
Let's attend the High Mass"
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
All the ladies look at her
With eyes filled with envy
And the mass officiant
Forgets his sermon.
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
- "And who is this lady
Who shines so very brightly?"
- "She is the daughter of the King of France,
And sister to the King of Aragon..."
Oh, loving Anne Marie,
Thief of love... Oh, of love...
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La dama d'Aragó

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Maria del Mar Bonet: Top 3
Gegeven reacties
   Zat, 18/11/2017 - 00:24

Oh, merci de tot cor! :)

   Zat, 18/11/2017 - 00:54

De res, és una cançó antiga i bonica, i la traducció és perfecta  :)

   Zat, 18/11/2017 - 19:27

Merci de nou! Malgrat tot, crec que en hi ha molts, aquí, que l'haurien fet millor que no pas jo - tu entre ells.

Que tinguis un bon cap de setmana i una bona vesprada! :)

   Zat, 18/11/2017 - 20:02

Què va! no em halagues massa  :*)
Passa-t'ho bé  :D