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The Dance of the Dragonflies (with Mon Laferte)

It seems now that I
Must look towards the sea
I discovered the night
And her reflection among the boats
Tomorrow you'll find a flower I left you
Against your chest you'll embrace its gentle flame
And in a graceful dance
Dragonflies from the garden
Will cross the skies of your sentiments
I mean, this beauty I wish to forget
Calls me, comes looking for me
Makes me dream
I mean, with the violence of the sea
I'd come back and kiss until it bleeds
And though for years
I've lived so far away from the sea
I always return to the town
Where long ago I fancied
My damsel and her flower
With her parasol, and my love
Damsel of the garden of camellias
I mean, this beauty I wish to forget
Calls me, comes looking for me
Makes me dream
I mean, with the violence of the sea
I'd come back and kiss until it bleeds
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La Danza de las Libélulas (con Mon Laferte)

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