Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Ova mala ne zna šta će
kaže da pa ne, ne
a za mnom seče vene
mala je labilna
I nije šala, mala
trezna stane pa krene
kao nevreme, slabo stabilna
Jer malo bi se ljubila
nije joj lako
mala se zaljubila
i to baš jako
Viši stepen ludila
daj Bože da je san to
jer sad bi se probudila
sve je stvarno
Ova mala ne zna gde će
malo jug pa sever
malo hladi, malo greje
kroz plač se nasmeje
Malo bi da deli
malo bi sve za sebe
doktor joj je dao
ono za smirenje
Ova mala ne zna šta bi
ali zna šta ne bi
i ništa joj ne vredi
sve brzo izvetri
Malo tamo - malo 'vamo
al' uglavnom, na kraju sela je sa mnom i tiho priznala
Ref. 2x
(Da) malo bi se ljubila
nije joj lako
mala se zaljubila
i to baš jako


This shorty* doesn't know what she wants
she says yes then no, no
but she is slitting her wrists after me
this shorty is unstable
And it's not a joke, shorty
in her sobriety stops then starts up
like a storm, not stable.
Because shorty wants to kiss
it isn't for her
Shorty has fallen in love
and deeply, at that!
A high level of insanity
God-willing that it's just a dream
because now she wants to wake up
everything is real.
This shorty doesn't know where she wants to go,
a little south, then north,
she's a little cold, then a little hot,
through her tears she starts to laugh.
A little part of her wants to share,
A little part of her wants it all for herself,
the doctor has given her
that stuff to calm her down.*
This shorty doesn't know what she wants
but knows what she doesn't want
and nothing matters to her
because everything evaporates quickly.
A little this way - a little that
but mainly, in the end she sits with me and quietly admits.
Ref. 2x
That she would like to kiss a little bit,
it isn't easy for her
(because) Shorty has fallen in love
and deeply, at that!
Idioms from "Labilna"
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