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    Laetitia → Engels vertaling

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Consider the love... so I can follow it into Nirvana myself
We will be together again once the white wings of death separate us!
Happiness is the pleasure of the soul1
Sacred Earth provides the well-being of my heart2
My mind is the angels' herald
Happiness of my soul
By the light of the moon
By the unending glory3 of the angels
I am taken aback by the origin of your greed
And my own yearning kills me
The Light of Eternity illuminates my path
Free me from this grievous judgement4
My mind is the angels' herald
Happiness of my soul
By the light of the moon
By the unending glory
Happiness of my soul
By the light of the moon
By the unending glory
Consider the love... so I can follow it into Nirvana myself
We will be together again once the white wings of death separate us!
  • 1. alt. mind
  • 2. alt. soul, mind, spirit
  • 3. alt. light, to shone
  • 4. alt. sentence
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