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Las seis cuerdas

La guitarra
hace llorar a los sueños.
El sollozo de las almas
se escapa por su boca
Y como la tarántula,
teje una gran estrella
para cazar suspiros,
que flotan en su negro
aljibe de madera.

The Six Strings

The guitar with its six strings
makes even dreams weep.
The sobbing cry of
the lost souls
escapes from its
round mouth.
Like the tarantula,1
the guitar weaves a huge star
to chase all the sighs
that float in its black body
made of wood.
Federico García Lorca: Top 3
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   Zat, 20/11/2021 - 23:59

If you love poetry ...
The six strings | Las seis cuerdas ...
by Federico García Lorca