Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Josipa Lisac

    Ležaj od suza → Engels vertaling

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Ležaj od suza

Ležaj od suza prostirem za te,
ležaj od suza u oku mom.
Ležaj od suza, čežnje za tobom…
čežnje što guših u srcu svom.
Oprosti, dragi, ti znaš i sam,
da samoća poput bijesna vjetra
odnosi sa sobom sve.
Ušla je u me i u moje misli,
raznijela moj mir i moje sne.
Ležaj od suza nijemo te pita -
ima li suza u oku tvom?
Ležaj od suza pita sa strepnjom -
nosiš li ljubav u srcu svom?
Oprosti, dragi, toliko sreće
je opet tako naglo došlo…
nadala se nisam njoj.
Tvoja blizina već po drugi put
mijenja ovaj svijet i život moj.

Bed of Tears

I make a bed of tears for you,
a bed of tears in my eye.
A bed of tears of longing for you,
longing that I was suffocating in my heart.
Forgive me, babe, you also know
that loneliness, like a storm wind
takes everything with it.
It came in me and into my thoughts,
it devastated my peace and my dreams.
A bed of tears asks you silently
are there any tears in your eye?
A bed of tears asks with anxiety
have you brought love in your heart?
Forgive me, babe, so much happiness
came all over again so suddenly,
and I did not hope for it.
Your vicinity changes for the second time
this world and my life.
Josipa Lisac: Top 3
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