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The Hunter

It was five o'clock in the morning
We moved through the marsh
Covered in fog (or mist)
I had my rifle in my hands
A passerine takes flight from afar
The eager dogs walked ahead
in the reeds.
Over the pond
Suddenly I saw
Wild geese flying
Toward the south
The Mediterranean
A flight of partridges
Over the fields
Climbing toward the clouds
The forest sang
The sun shone
At the edge of the marshland
With my rifle in my hands
In my heart I felt a little guilty
So I left all alone
I took my spaniel
For a walk
I looked
The sky was blue
And I was well
And all those birds
That were so pretty
Up there in the clouds,
I would have loved to accompany them
To their destination
Yes all those birds
That were so pretty
I would have loved to accompany them
To their destination.
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Le chasseur

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