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Madenciden (Grup Yorum Metal Cover)

İndim maden ocağına kara elmas diyarına
Yeryüzü sıcak olsun diye dost
Yıllar boyu kazma salladım
Suskunca bu zindanda
Çocuklarım gülsün diye dost
Oysa bizim evde gülen yok
Yıllar boyu kazma salladım
Suskunca bu zindanda
Çocuklarım gülsün diye dost
Oysa bizim evde gülen yok
İndim maden ocağına kara elmas diyarına
Yeryüzü sıcak olsun diye dost
Yıllar boyu kazma salladım
Suskunca bu zindanda
Çocuklarım gülsün diye dost
Oysa bizim evde gülen yok
Yıllar boyu kazma salladım
Suskunca bu zindanda
Çocuklarım gülsün diye dost
Oysa bizim evde gülen yok
Yürü derler yürü derler açlığa yürü derler
Kara elmas tabut olmuş gerekirse ölün derler
Günü gelir utanmadan
Ağlaşana gülün derler dost
Yalanlara artık sabrım yok
Günü gelir utanmadan
Ağlaşana gülün derler dost
Yalanlara artık sabrım yok
Bugün maden ocağına kara elmas diyarına
İnmedik selam olsun sana dost
Ölesiye ışık hasretiyle solmuş bu yüzlere
Grev grev güneş doğmuş dost
Artık kaybedecek birşey yok
Ölesiye ışık hasretiyle solmuş bu yüzlere
Grev grev güneş doğmuş dost
Artık kaybedecek birşey yok
Yeraltında ezilenler yeryüzüne seslenirler
Madenler bizim derler gerekirse ölüm derler
Günü geldi grev derler
Günü geldi grev derler dost
Artık kaybedecek birşey yok
Günü geldi grev derler
Günü geldi grev derler dost
Artık kaybedecek birşey yok
Yürü derler yürü derler açlığa yürü derler
Kara elmas tabut olmuş gerekirse ölün derler
Günü gelir utanmadan
Ağlaşana gülün derler dost
Yalanlara artık sabrım yok
Günü gelir utanmadan
Ağlaşana gülün derler dost
Yalanlara artık sabrım yok

From Miner (Grup Yorum Metal Cover)

I went down to coal mine, land of black diamond (Black diamond means coal in Turkish)
So that the ground could be warm
I digged silencely
In that dungeon for years
So that my children could be happy
While no one is happy at our home
I digged silencely
In that dungeon for years
So that my children could be happy
While no one is happy at our home
I went down to coal mine, land of black diamond (Black diamond means coal in Turkish)
So that the ground could be warm
I digged silencely
In that dungeon for years
So that my children could be happy
While no one is happy at our home
I digged silencely
In that dungeon for years
So that my children could be happy
While no one is happy at our home
They say walk, walk to hungriness
Black diamond has been coffin, they say "die" if needed
On the day, without shame,
They say smile to crying people
I have no more patient for lies
On the day, without shame,
They say smile to crying people
I have no patient for lies anymore
Today to the coal mine, the land of black diamond
We didn't move, we greet you all
To the faces which has been discolored by missing light
Walktout, walkout, the sun rised
There is nothing to lose anymore
To the faces which has been discolored by missing light
Walktout, walkout, the sun rised
There is nothing to lose anymore
The one who get embarressed underground, call out to the one who are on ground
They say we own the coal mines, we would die if needed
It is time for walkout
It is time for walkout, my friend
There is nothing to lose anymore
It is time for walkout
It is time for walkout, my friend
There is nothing to lose anymore
They say walk, walk to hungriness
Black diamond has been coffin, they say "die" if needed
On the day, without shame,
They say smile to crying people
I have no patient for lies anymore
On the day, without shame,
They say smile to crying people
I have no patient for lies anymore
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