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    Maiga Vara → Engels vertaling

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Maiga Vara

Kas paspēja beigties, tas netika sākts
No mums pāri palika uguns un nakts
Var nejust, ne naidu, ne mīlu, neko
Tik vienaldzīgs tukšums, nu elpoju to
Tev acis kā ezeri, pazīstu tos
Tavos ūdeņos pazūdu, dziļākajos
Tev ir maiga vara tāda,
Kas lēni, klusām ārda
Un gāž uz lāpstiņām
Tev ir maiga vara tāda
Vairs nav man sava vārda
Top tava gaisma par atmiņām
Kur strauji kūst ledus, tur pali steidz pāri
Tu drīksti teikt taisnību, pat ja tu mani māni
Tur madaru pļavā mēs redzējām spāri
Tik mūsu tā bija, tik dziļi tu skāri
Tev acis kā ezeri, pazīstu tos
Tavos ūdeņos pazūdu, dziļākajos
Tev ir maiga vara tāda,
Kas lēni, klusām ārda
Un gāž uz lāpstiņām
Tev ir maiga vara tāda
Vairs nav man sava vārda
Top tava gaisma par atmiņām
Nav, it ne dvēseles apkārt vienas
Kas saprastu, paliks vai grims
Es nekaunos, es padodos
Tikai dzīve būs tā, kas mūs šķirs
Tev ir maiga vara tāda,
Kas klusām ārda
Un gāž
Tev ir maiga vara tāda,
Kas lēni, klusām ārda
Un gāž uz lāpstiņām
Tev ir maiga vara tāda
Vairs nav man sava vārda
Top tava gaisma par atmiņām

Gentle power

What managed to end already, it did not even start.
The fire and the night remained above us.
You may un-feel: hatred,, ..anything..
Such an apathetic emptiness,- I am breathing it
Your eyes are like lakes, I knew them,
I disappeared in your waters, in the deepest of the deep.
You have such a gentle power,-
It slowly, quietly cries out
And throws one on the floor on the back ("shoulderblades")
You have gentle power so
I no longer have my name,
Your light by memories is ascending.
Where the ice is melting fast, the river is rushing over it,
You can say the truth, even if you cheat me
There we saw a dragonfly in the meadow
So ours was so deep you touched
You have eyes like lakes, I learned them
I disappeared in your waters, in the deepest.
You have the gentle power,-
It slowly, quietly cries out
And throws one on the floor on the back ("shoulderblades")
You have gentle power so
I no longer have my name,
Your light by memories is on the top
There is not a soul around one
Who would understand, - remains or sinks.
I am not ashamed, I yield,
But life will be that which separates us
You've got that gentle power
That quietly screams,
And overthrows.
You have the gentle power,-
It slowly, quietly cries out
And throws one on the floor on the back ("shoulderblades").
You have gentle power such
That I no longer have my name..
Your light by memories goes higher.
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