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Mammeta 'o sape (Reprise) [Mother Knows Best (Reprise)]

Rapunzel: I penzo e le piacè
Gothel: Piacè? Ja, Rapunzel, che vai penzann?
Te l'ero 'itto ca nun te n'avissa avuta i'
Core mio, chesta è sulamente na favuletta ca te vuò 'nventà
'A prova ca tu sì na sempliciotta, figlia mia
Pecché l'avissa piacè tu? Ma e che stamme parlann?
Guardate! Te crire r'essere meglio e l'ate c'ha pututo verè?
Nun fa 'a cretina
Vieni cu mammina
Rapunzel: No!
Gothel: No?!
'E cose stanno accussì
Ailloca a Rapunzel
È 'sciuta, 'n tene chiù paura
Che signorinella è chesta
Ailloca a Rapunzel
Si sì accussì sicura
Curre a ce purtà mo chesta
Rapunzel: Comme he fatt a ...?
Gothel: Chesta è 'a verità
Nun te fa fà fessa
Tu rancella e virarraije
Rapunzel: 'O faccio!
Gothel: Criatura mia
Quanno fujiarrà e pressa
Pienzarraije e parole meje
Ma Rapunzel 'o sap
Verimmo quanto è onesto
Quanno, aroppe, ce l'he rata
Rapunzel: Mammà, aspiè...
Gothel: Si te sta sfuttenn, nun turnà chiagnenn
Mammeta 'o sape

Your mother knows it (Reprise)

Rapunzel: I think he likes me
Mother Gothel: Likes you? Come on, Rapunzel, what are you thinking?
I told you shouldn't have left
My dear, this is just a fairytale you want to invent
The proof that you are naive (or a simpleton), my child
Why should he like you? But what are we talking about?
Look at you! You think you're better than the other girls he possibly saw?
Don't be a stupid
Come with mommy
(Your) Mother...
Rapunzel: No!
Mother Gothel: No?!
I see how it is
There it is, Rapunzel
She revealed herself (to be qho she really is), she's not afraid anymore
Such a young lady
There it is, Rapunzel
If you are so sure
Run to bring him this one now
Rapunzel: How did you...?
Mother Gothel: This is the truth
Don't let him deceive you
Give it to him and you'll see
Rapunzel: I'll do it!
Mother Gothel: My child
When he'll make a quick getaway
You'll think about my words
But Rapunzel knows it
Let see how much he'll be sincere/honest
After you gave it to him
Rapunzel: Mother, wait...
Mother Gothel: If he's teasing you, don't come crying
Your mother knows it
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