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My memories of you

In the morning of August
I have a lump in my throat
No desire to get up
My shutters are sealed off
I prayed you all summer long
You never came back
One day you left me
And disappeared
When December comes at night
I stick myself to thinking
That in the New Year
You will come to see me
I prayed you all winter long
You never came back
I have to believe otherwise
Yes, I have misled myself
The seasons drag themselves to my place
And leave me alone face to face
With no matter what
With our loves that time hunts
With all the things which dissolve but do not erase
The memories of you
The memories of you
Autumn by the window
Does not make sense without you
My Mondays are repeating
To sing you in a low voice
I keep the maybes
That hold me back to you
So precious are the crumbs
Remaining for me
The seasons drag themselves to my place
And leave me alone face to face
With no matter what
With our loves that time hunts
With all the things which dissolve but do not erase
The memories of you
My memories of you
My memories of you
The dead loves are waltzing
The wheats are flourishing again
I am waiting in front of my door
And letting you go
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Mes souvenirs de toi

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Gegeven reacties
DiontheflyDionthefly    Zat, 23/01/2021 - 06:57

Thanks for this! I’d suggest “ Si précieuse sont les miettes / Qu'il me reste de ça” > “So precious are the crumbs / Remaining for me”