Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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This love is in little pieces
I walk on broken glasses again,I walk
A tear was bringing the other tear
Like a rain that makes a river,river
Delusional noons
I see the stars
But I live again and I see the moon
That rises up from the soungs of the jacks
The light will wash the sheets
Turning a page
Love passes
Someone will be a station for me
I will keep memories
The good will always be above the bad,the bad
I dont look for solutions anymore
I wont knock on closed doors,I wont knock
And I will stop the noons
To see the stars
But I live again and I see the moon
That rises up from the soungs of the jacks
The light will wash the sheets
Turning a page
Love passes
Someone will be a station for me
The one minute sweet life
The lucky dice
The other minute I have to find a path
New dream
And I will stop the noons
To see the stars
But I live again and I see the moon
That rises up from the soungs of the jacks
The light will wash the sheets
Turning a page
Love passes
Someone will be a station for me
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