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  • Gerhard Wendland

    Mona Lisa → Engels vertaling

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Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa
Today I think only of you1
I kiss you and say[:]
Mona Lisa
Till now I never loved a woman so much
Your mystic smile
Mona Lisa,
Is like the smile I saw in a painting
But maybe you're a scene out of a dream
Your lips meet mine, then you forget me
I know when I leave,
Mona Lisa,
My heart will stay with you
For all eternity.
Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa
Today I think only of you
I kiss you and say[:]
Mona Lisa
Till now I never loved a woman so much
Your mystic smile
Mona Lisa,
Is like the smile I saw in a painting
But maybe you're a scene out of a dream
Your lips meet mine, then you forget me
I know when I leave,
Mona Lisa,
My heart will stay with you
For all eternity.
  • 1. lit. Today I forget that there are other women
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Mona Lisa

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