Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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You make my day

I wake up and I have to go to work
And suddenly at the circulation
I have a desire
To see you in the eyes for a bit
It's windy outside,rain bursts on my windows
They stop me for a control
They ask for evidence and papers
If you looked at me everything would be different
With these eyes you make my day
I open the sails and I run to you like a bullet
With these eyes I soar
You just left and I already miss you
Traffic lights,foreign people,small bazaars
My coins,I give them
This grey of our city
If you looked at me it would be sunny
With these eyes you make my day
I open the sails and I run to you like a bullet
With these eyes I soar
You just left and I already miss you
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