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На сопках Маньчжурии

Тихо вокруг, сопки покрыты мглой.
Вот из-за туч блеснула луна, 
Могилы хранят покой.
Белеют кресты - это герои спят.
Прошлого тени кружат давно,
О жертвах боев твердят.
Плачет родная мать, плачет молодая жена,
Плачут все, как один человек,
Злой рок и судьбу кляня!..
Тихо вокруг, ветер туман унес.
Hа сопках Маньчжурии воины спят
И русских не слышат слез.
Пусть гаолян вам навевает сны,
Спите, герои русской земли, 
Отчизны родной сыны.
Спите, сыны, вы погибли за Русь, за отчизну,
Но верьте, еще мы за вас отомстим
И справим кровавую тризну.

On the Hills of Manchuria

It is calm around there, the hills are covered by mist,
Suddenly, the moon flashed through the clouds,
Graves hold their calm.
The white glow of the crosses - heroes are asleep.
The shadows of the past circle around,
Recalling the victims of battles.
The mother is shedding tears, the young wife is weeping,
All like one are crying,
Cursing fate, cursing destiny!
It is calm around there, the wind blew the fog away.
Soldiers are asleep on the hills of Manchuria1
They cannot hear the Russian tears.
Let sorghum's rustling lull you to sleep,
Sleep in peace, heroes of the Russian land,
Dear sons of the Fatherland.
Sleep, sons, you fell for Russia, for Fatherland,
Believe us, we will avenge you
And celebrate a bloody wake!
  • 1. On the Hills of Manchuria is a haunting waltz composed in 1906 by Ilya Alekseevich Shatrov. The original title of the waltz was "The Mokshansky Regiment on the Hills of Manchuria" and referred to an incident during the Battle of Mukden, the disastrous final land battle of the Russo-Japanese War, when the Mokshansky Infantry Regiment was encircled by Japanese forces for 11 days, during which it sustained considerable casualties. Shatrov served in the regiment as bandmaster and composed the tune on returning from the war.
Gegeven reacties
   Vrij, 25/05/2018 - 11:43

That's true! :) In fact, original waltz was instrumental so the lyrics were written later and by different authors (I think there's around 6 different lyrics for this waltz but this one's most popular)