Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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A paixão da sua vida

Amava a morte
Mas não era correspondido
Tomou veneno
Atirou-se de pontes
Aspirou gás
Sempre ela o rejeitava
Recusando-lhe o abraço
Quando finalmente desistiu da paixão
Entregando-se à vida
A morte, enciumada
Estourou-lhe o peito

The passion of his life

He loved death
But it was not returned
He took poison
Threw himself from bridges
Inhaled gas
She always rejected him
Refusing the embrace
When he finally gave up that passion
Devoting himself to life
Death, out of jealousy,
Made his heart explode
Marina Colasanti: Top 3
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