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    パレードへようこそ → Engels vertaling

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Welcome to the Parade

The doll laughs, It's looking at me and laughing
The dreaming girl knows the parade will continue. Moaning criminal, re-understood
Consciousness still obscure, the inside of the buildings brightly lit, a rising sun
I think I heard a "Help, mayday."
I keep screaming without a care
Drink and be merry, tonight we feast, the drum of the parade won't stop
The noise never stops. Chasing a butterfly around a deserted amusement park
Yes, we played long ago, you and I
Nostalgia, sometimes mayhem
The closed sketchbook triggers a flashback
My omen-less eyes dazzled, open and closed
Heartbeats, memories with you, I cry, cry, to wash them away
Dispassionately painted over, simple work
So why am I crying?
A second parade
With my beloved boy
This time let's dance together, keep going as far as we can
It's not too late. Come, come
A childlike adult
Like an adult but not an adult
You kill me with an innocent smile
A childlike adult
Like an adult but not an adult
You live on instinct and I love that
Show me how the dream continues, please
Ok let's meet again, at the same old place
Watch her back as she flies out of sight
Evening Opera, Red Error Code 04
Haley's Comet grins at me
The circus is starting. I search for them
Wait a minute, what? Who is "them"?
Look at the audience, all the same face
The air trapeze, the world is a giant flask
Where are they? Call out once more
The ringing of a black rotary phone in the night
A faded note, open and dial, address is ____
Picking up the phone, to hear a faint cheer
"Welcome to the continuing Parade"
A second parade
With my beloved boy
This time let's dance together, keep going as far as we can
It's not too late. Come, come
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Gegeven reacties
Yamato IrieYamato Irie    Do, 23/04/2020 - 02:42

「大人のようで大人でない」should be translated to: “adult-like and also not an adult” or “like an adult and also not an adult.” Putting a “but” conjugation may work better, this is just the direct translation. So it can also be something like “adult-like *but* not an adult”

Edit: there are other small errors in terms of keeping true to the original lyrics, but they’re not much of a problem. Really great translation though! Couldn’t have done much better

   Ma, 04/05/2020 - 15:23

Thanks for the correction! I've updated it. I'll take another scan through and see if I can find any of the other errors you hinted at too.

Edit: Yeah there were a bunch of lines I didn't like how I'd translated so I tried to polish the whole thing up a little. Feel free to point out any spots I might have missed!