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Why did you do this?

I waited for you
like every day at the same place
I met you by chance
With him
When in the night
The lights go off and I can't
I can't sleep anymore but I
Still think about you
I see you again how you were
When you were with me
My eyes in the dark
Now they cry after you
Why did you do this
I thought you were happy
That your thoughts were mine
But no
Why did you do this
Why did you want to hurt me
Now I have to force myself to accept
The truth... The truth...
I didn't believe
That you could really do this
Because of one sentence, I said jokingly
I don't get it
If I could go back
Go back in time
Hold you in my arm for one moment
I'd go mad
I see you again how you were
When you were with me
My eyes in the dark
Now they cry after you
Why did you do this
I thought you were happy
That your thoughts were mine
But no
Why did you do this
Why did you want to hurt me
Now I have to force myself to accept
The truth... The truth...
Why did you do this
I thought you were happy
That your thoughts were mine
But no
Why did you do this
Why did you want to hurt me
Now I have to force myself to accept
The truth... The truth...
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Viola OrtesViola Ortes
   Do, 31/08/2017 - 05:50

Secondo me
"Non posso più dormire, penso
ancora a te" è meglio tradurlo:

I can't sleep anymore but I
Still think about you"

Come l'hai tradotto tu, fa intendere che lui pensi a lei immobile, ferma impalata..."

Anche al posto di "randomly", forse è meglio usare "by chance" o "by accident"

Bella traduzione comunque.