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  • Alban Skënderaj

    Ping pong → Engels vertaling

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Ping Pong

One (man) you throw, one (man) you catch
You play each day with both loves
Ping pong
One you send away, one you send back
Your hand a racket, hearts above the net
Ping pong
They returned one night
From enemies, allies
The game just started for you
You won the first set
In four others you were penalized
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
You wanted players in two roles
You took the role of the ball
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
OK, I get beaten(?). Continue, only get beaten(?)
You don't give me your mark(?) because I sleep with pain needlessly
I remember that night(?) when you [mrrive skejën?]
I should have let go of the thread because I got involved in her quarrels
She wants with begging me with sliding, take hers (???)
I don't like the faithlessness, your quarrels, nor Versailles(?)
Come now devour me? because I have no one to blame
Your teachings(?) are killing me, something the rackets aren't doing
You want it with begging? but my Pumas (shoes) aren't driving?
In the end [ki me hup ama t’lutna mos kaj?]
I am here to here to beg, don't stick me in a glacier
On the sure road looking out for the police
Don't speak softly and don't become angry
Take it easy because there are only two serves left
You wanted to play the game with two knives? here I come
I shot with my heart and you returned it with bombshells?
You won the first set
In four others you were penalized
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
You wanted players in two roles
You took the role of the ball
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
She no longer eats, she no longer drinks
She begs them to forgive her, to forgive her
She wanted two and now she has no one
The game she started, she does not know to stop, to stop
You held them in your hands like dolls "King Kong"
Your heart in their hands "Ping pong"
You won the first battle
Now get ready for the real war
Lady Bond played a double game
[Ma e krista?], she is not satisfied until [krisma?] is known?
until [krisma?] is known?
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Ping pong

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