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Stay by my side

Don't leave me
To sink into empty nights
Don't leave me
And the lights of your heart
Don't turn them off
Your kisses that hurt
Don't them to me
Don't leave me
On a road without an end
Don't leave me
And a knife that hurts
Don't turn into one
I'll will be dying little by little
If you don't stay
Stay by my side one more night
No matter what happens, don't say good night
Stay by my side and be my breath
Tonight love is redemption
Stay by my side and let's go to the finish
Be my soul, let's become one
I need you
I need you
Don't leave me
Like a rock in the waves
Don't leave me
And my pain
Don't compare it
Your restraints on my body
Don't release them
Don't leave me
Embrace darkness
Don't leave me
With your measures
Don't judge me
Stay tonight, my wounds
To sooth
Stay by my side one more night
No matter what happens, don't say good night
Stay by my side and be my breath
Tonight love is redemption
Stay by my side and let's go to the finish
Be my soul, let's become one
I need you
I need you
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