Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Above the bright-blue sky

Above the bright-blue sky
A city made of gold
With crystal gates and shining star
Too wondrous to behold
A garden in its midst.
Trees bloom and vines entwine.
And in this garden creatures walk
Their beauty is divine.
A yellow lion with a fiery mane,
A blue calf with innumerable eyes,
There with them a golden eagle celestial
Whose enchanting gaze is unforgettable.
And in the bright-blue sky
A star forever burns
It's yours, oh dear angel mine,
It is forever yours.
The one who loves - is loved.
The only God is Light.
The shining star will guide you to
This garden of delight.
There waits a lion with a fiery mane,
A blue calf with innumerable eyes,
And with them a golden eagle celestial,
Whose enchanting gaze is unforgettable.
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Gegeven reacties
Don JuanDon Juan
   Zat, 14/06/2014 - 12:35

This translation looks incomplete. Do you plan to complete it?

ScieraSciera    Zat, 14/06/2014 - 13:59

I'm not sure whether that rule isn't outdated. It's in the FAQ, not in the website rules, and almost none of the mods or other users follows it.