Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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I don't see where I'm going tonight
With whom I'm speaking, whom I search for
Nor what is written on this wall
I no longer see anything
My only one*, at least call out to me
Extinguish the darkness in my head
And even though I have no strength left
I'm just looking, somewhere to see you
When one morning you begin to cry after him
When he leaves you without love, without anything
Believe me, I won't be sorry
That your life as well has stalled
When one morning you realize you've been cheated
And in that moment you call me for help
Your pain will feed me
I won't be there to protect you
When he leaves you like a dog
Give him my greetings
At once everything became painful
Too honest and loud
That night you left me
And never returned again
Here I am just as before
Lighting cigarette after cigarette
I am no longer what I used to be
Since that night, when I lost you
When one morning you begin to cry after him
When he leaves you without love, without anything
Believe me, I won't be sorry
That your life as well has stalled
When one morning you realize you've been cheated
And in that moment you call me for help
Your pain will feed me
I won't be there to protect you
When he leaves you like a dog
Give him my greetings
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