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My heart let go

I'm carrying suitcases of sadness and bag full of wishes
I'm not a man of the word I'm a man of deed
For everything you have to have two sometimes trains are late
And brave people are afraid but still continue to tread
My power and wind I found mine haven
In a sea full of my wrong doings she held out her hand
I have body full of scars they don't have a purpose
I refused to give myself to the scums in neighborhood
Love hells wounds even at the worst days
You just need someone to stand by you
In head a lot of ideas but I'am difficult dilemma
Someone needs to watch you guard you and never to give you up
Tough story behind me to survive winter
Eyes of one women are carrying fire and warmth
You have to be really strong to keep machine going
I have support in the sky I'm not alone even for a second! (Come on!)
Am I going mad everything is white in front of my eyes
I want to kiss you now then they can make my obsequy
I undress myself for you I need to drink something stronger
My heart has let you go but my body didn't
[Verse 2]
You bring out the best in me when my mind is going mad
When I'm not answering from the studio cuz' we are making songs
You are making heart on margin when you get your hands on the notebook
I would take my head throw the fire cuz I'am what you must not
Tired from the work I'm not ashamed of anything anymore
I get to you in the midnight to hug you and see you
Once in uniform and service Fiat
Now I don't pay the bills that is wish and spite
Years ahead of us I had gone throw poison
This wolf is ready to secure drove
My path is narrow nothing shitty and bushy
To have songs and health and never again tears
Fog is falling in front of me you are getting me through it once again
Trust is being built if you're hungry for love
Biggest disease is lie she gives you back two times harder
Even if my eyes betray me I know who to follow!
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Pustilo te srce

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