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A couple of quarters

While eating your sunday steak, you talk prohibition for begging
Conspiracy theories fall as violent as hail and sets your conscience free
To act like a swine when you snort and walk on by
To kick the one who's down without any shame or sympathy
And you see a villain, a bluff and a swindler
But I see a human, flesh and blood like us
So I put some quarters in his mug and say ''Hi!''
It will not save the world, but perhaps it'll piss you off
A couple of quarters and a decent ''Hi!''
To remind myself to never become like you
You call me a fool, blue-eyed and naive - but I don't give a shit
I'd rather be fooled for a quarter than to think like you do
Because it's about me and what person I want to be
And about the human that I see in the mirror every day
So I put some quarters in his mug and say ''Hi!''
It will not save the world, but perhaps it'll piss you off
A couple of quarters and a decent ''Hi!''
To remind myself to never become like you
If you think the begging business is so lucrative
Then quit your job and sit right down beside the beggar
And I will
Put some quarters in your mug and say hello
Not for myself, but I will do it just for you
A couple of quarters and a decent greeting
To show you that even you are worth a couple of quarters and a ''Hi!''
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Gegeven reacties
Rasmus HjelmRasmus Hjelm
   Vrij, 28/01/2022 - 09:37

Any time! :) Feel free to make more requests from the Swedish punk scene. Alot of gems which could use a translation into english!