Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Amal Maher

    وفيها إيه → Engels vertaling

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And What's Wrong With That

And what's wrong with that
My life, from me to him (a gift)
Why do you think I'm strange?
All of these1 years
My lifetime & all what's in it
Are little for him
And whatever happens2, my love, I'm with you
And all these3 days, I know you'll keep (them) safe
And for all that haven't come, & what's yet to come I'll be with you
While I'm with my beloved,
I don't care what would befall us.. For when I see him
I find what has been missing from me
And, God forbid, I can never forget about him
With him I found
A world, a life & a home
That made me forget my old fears
It wouldn't be enough for me
To live my life once for him
Not even twice 4
  • 1. my
  • 2. befalls us
  • 3. my
  • 4. two lives
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