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  • Bebe (Spain)

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It went away

There are eyes that do not find
a place to stop at and look.
And there are others, however
that strip you naked and are gone.
I look at you if you fool around,
you button my body up tight and it's gone.
Time suddenly shortens itself,
I look at you and close my eyes so I don´t see.
For it is going away, it went away,
it is going away, it went away.
Nothing is left.
Nothing, no.
Your body does everything,
it´s happy when it wants to,
and when it's not, it beats me up again.
Your mouth was a river of fresh water
when I let it into my palate.
Now I fish out from my pocket
some cigarette butts and I start smoking,
I set my hat in,
and the wind enlivens my body and it goes away.
Boy, does it go away.
For it is going away, it went away,
it is going away, it went away.
Nothing is left.
Nothing, no.
What difference it makes now, if I go in or out,
what matters is the instant
in which your eyes crashed against me.
Two hundred eyes could not cause
so much carnal brutality in me.
For it is going away, it went away,
it is going away, it went away.
Nothing is left, no
just my desire and me.
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