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Feel My Love

Feel my love...
Feel my love...
A timeless story
An endless story
A love like ours
Won't ever die, not today, not ever
I wanna be your soul
A happy moment
I'll love you forever
I'll live inside of you
In painful days
Feel my love
It'll be carried by the wind
It'll rise with the sun...
In God's eyes
Away from you
You'll see me in your dreams
You'll feel my kisses
You'll hear me laughing
If you feel alone
And you're quiet
Think 'bout my touches
And 'bout our secrets
I wanna be your soul
A happy moment
I'll love you forever
I'll live inside of you
In painful days
Feel my love
It'll be carried by the wind
It'll come with the sun...
In God's eyes
Away from you
You'll see me in dreams
You'll feel my kisses
You'll hear me laughing
You'll hear me laughing...
Feel my love...
Feel my love...
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Siente mi amor

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YutuYutu    Woe, 06/07/2022 - 14:50

Thank you so much for translating both my requests TT I'm so happy!!!