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I Couldn't Say

I loved you in dreams I couldn't say
I kissed your breath sliently I couldn't say
I reared poems sayings for you
I reared springs summers for you
I reared frantic secrets for you
I couldn't say
I wrote songs for you , I couldn't sing
Whereas you were with me, I couldn't touch
I reared poems sayings for you
I reared springs summers for you
I reared frantic secrets for you
I couldn't say
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Gegeven reacties
maiamaia    Do, 07/10/2010 - 17:08

"I reared for you..." hatta "I reared poems, sayings for you" aynı şekilde baharlar yazlar... hummalı gizler.

bi de "I wrote songs for you , I couldn't sing" ya da " I wrote songs, I couldn't sing (them) to you" şarkıyı bilmediğimden virgül nereye geliyo bilemiyorum :)

ve son olarak "...I couldn't touch"