Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Luis Fonsi

    Somos uno → Engels vertaling

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We are one

You are looking at me
I'm smiling
All is said,
So many drops
Has the river
That won't dry
Because I looked for you
Because you found me
Because I cruised to the other side of the world
We are one
I'm the air of your voice
In your heart
I am alive
And I'm making so much noise,
Each of us completes the half
Of happiness
Of being together
Always together
We are one.
I feel you
Inside of me
You are everything and more.
Because I looked for you
Because you found me
Because I crossed to the other side of the world.
We are one
I am the air of your voice
In your heart
I am alive
And I'm making so much noise,
Each of us completes the half
Of happiness
Of being together
Always together
We are one.
We are air of the wind
Water in the desert
We are internal fire
That remains burning
We are night and stars
Crossing the sky.
We are one...
We are one...
We are one
I am the air of your voice
In your heart
I am alive
And I am making so much noise
Each of us completes the half
Of happiness
Of being together
Always together
We are one.
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Somos uno

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