Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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I would want, I would want

If I could decide
I would disarm the world
And order armies to plant roses
If I could decide
I would take away from the rich
And everyone would have the warmth of a lamp at home
Before anything grand
I do not ask for anything less
I would want, I would want, I would want you in all entirety
I would want, I would want to own you for at least a night
I would want, I would want, I would want you in all entirety
I would want, I would want so but I can't.
You would gather an armful of flowers for me
I would boil tea and undress you carefully
The suffering ceases when the eternal desire fades
So the wisest say, let them say what they want
Before the grand truth
I do not ask for anything less
I would want, I would want, I would want you in all entirety
I would want, I would want to own you for at least a night
I would want, I would want, I would want you in all entirety
I would want, I would want so but I can't.
Before anything grand
I do not ask for anything less
I would want, I would want, I would want you in all entirety
I would want, I would want to own you for at least a night
I would want, I would want, I would want you in all entirety
I would want, I would want so but I can't.
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