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A love so great

I feel on the face
Your breathe
How are you dear sweet
Always much more for that
That you give me
I would thank you but later
I don't know speaking
Much Closer
Your scent Holds on tight to me
don't ask why
The evening already descends
The night mad
In your eyes
my burn
A love so great
a love so much
Warm inside and
outside around us
A brief silence and than
Your mouth
Is aroused an another time
a love so great
A love so much
Warm inside and
outside around us
A brief silence and than
in your eyes
my burn
The evening just descends
the night mad
In your eyes
my burn
A love so great
A love so much
Warm inside and
outside around us
A brief silence and than
Your mouth
Is aroused an another time
for me
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Un amore così grande

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