Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Mokoma

    Uusi Aatama, uusi Eeva → Engels vertaling

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New Adam, New Eve

I adore your face
You smile softly
We have been created here anew
To make times forever better
You look at me - and you can't!
I look at you - and i can't!
Can in something that beautiful - and we can't!
Be evil at all - we can't repeat the same mistakes!
I see it from your eyes
Now something is wrong
You whisper in ear quietly asking:
Will you share a secret with me?
You look at me - and you can't!
I look at you - and i can't!
Can in something that beautiful - and we can't!
Be evil at all - we can't repeat the same mistakes!
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Uusi Aatama, uusi Eeva

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