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Where Are We Now?

I saw you dancing on the porch
At your best friend's parent's summerhouse
We sled drunk across the bay
In a stolen boat
Long nights, short days
When synapses dies like lights
Only repetition can kill us
Like thin wires we're stretched out
And so were are We now?
And so were are We now today?
Does anyone know a bay back?
The things You mean to Me
The things I mean to You
The things We mean to each other
As you wake up your youth is gone
Your reflection looks like shit
And everything that used to be easy
Is getting really tough
Like always i flee to music
The only place where i'm myself
A place with simple, straight rules
Where the biggest dreams are law
And so were are We now?
And so were are We now today?
Does anyone know a bay back?
The things You mean to Me
The things I mean to You
The things We mean to each other
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