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  • Banda El Recodo

    Vas a Llorar por Mí → Engels vertaling

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You will cry for me!

The same way I loved you, I curse you now...
love becomes hatred, being with you I found out...
I appreciate, truly, that you are not with me...
you are not worth my weeping,
and now I regret to have loved you so much.
Today you deny that my kisses made you happy...
the fact that you don't look at me, doesn't hurt a bit...
that for no reason at all you would come back to me...
You love me and you deny it, and although you won't believe it, I no longer need you.
My damn luck! Why did I meet you?
Damn be the kisses that you gave me,
damn the caresses with which you made me
addicted to never live without you.
Damn be the moment when I met you
because, like an idiot, I fell in love with you,
blessed be your abandonment because, after all,
you will cry for me!
My damn luck! Why did I meet you?
Damn be the kisses that you gave me,
damn the caresses with which you made me
addicted to never live without you.
Damn be the moment when I met you
because, like an idiot, I fell in love with you,
blessed be your abandonment because, after all,
you will cry for me!
My damn luck! Why did I meet you?
Damn be the kisses that you gave me,
damn the caresses with which you made me
addicted to never live without you.
Damn be the moment when I met you
because, like an idiot, I fell in love with you,
blessed be your abandonment because, after all,
you will cry for me!
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Vas a Llorar por Mí

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Banda El Recodo: Top 3
Idioms from "Vas a Llorar por Mí"
Gegeven reacties
yg83yg83    Vrij, 20/02/2015 - 11:07

The Artist is "Banda" w/an A at the end not an O.