Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Saltatio Mortis

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How could forgive their faults?
They will be contrite
So forgive by the Virgin
Then they will be cornered
How could forgive their faults?
They will be contrite
So forgive by the Virgin
Then they will be cornered
Where's the name?
For sins I had done
Who was crazy about their numbers
That the door has opened
And it's been like five years
That you can't move
So it had the numbers
Of all the maltreated bodies
How could forgive their faults?
They will be contrite
So forgive by the Virgin
Then they will be cornered
Where's the name?
For sins I had done
Who was crazy about their numbers
That the door has opened
And it's been like five years
That you can't move
So it had the numbers
Of all the maltreated bodies
How could forgive their faults?
They will be contrite
So forgive by the Virgin
Then they will be cornered
How could forgive their faults?
They will be contrite
So forgive by the Virgin
Then they will be cornered
Originele teksten


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