Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Helene Fischer

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Don't wonder

He sat on the stairs when she came home
She asked: What's wrong? Did something happen?
Then he said: you already know, we used to have a plan where life would take us
I wanted to build you a dream castle, wanted to see the world with you
I haven't done any of those, so will you walk away once more?
She said: Don't wonder that I love you
I love all that you do and are
If some dream is unattainable, it's just normal
Don't wonder that I love you, no matter what I let go off, I will hold you tightly
Only you are important, I don't care about the rest
Then she said: You know, when I found you at that time, we had nothing but happiness
If the dreams of today explodes, just give me your hand and think back on that time with me
You were always there for me, you were my star and my home
Just like you, I'm aware that the human beeing look alive
And therefore don't wonder that I love you
She sat down next to him and both were quiet until he said: I see it
You could love anyone else, but if that's me, then it has to be true
I say it once more: Don't wonder that I love you
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