Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Be my rain

I'm the only one who knows me, and the rain,
If that ice touches your heart,
Don't make them think I’m happy,
They’ve picked and taken my heart from me.
Don't touch anyone else,
I burned those eyes my darling,
With these hands are touching you,
I can't do, I can't live...
have fires inside me,
You're the only culprit, my darling,
When you tell me " I love you!",
You put ashes into my heart...
Be the rain,
Be mine tonight,,
A drop sprinkled into me,
Be my water...
It hurts with you,
The heart is filled with sadness,
It's pillaged,
I can't stand it anymore...
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