Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!

    Як ти? → Engels vertaling

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Are you ok?

1st verse
God, give me some strength
My cold mind is burning with rage
I've never ever
Asked to be "saved" with bullets
The invaders will turn
Into poisonous weed
We traded dreams for guns
I'm holding your hand in mine
Our tears are making headlines
And I keep asking,
Mom, are you ok?
Mom, are you ok?
You're ok?
2nd verse
They came with bloody hands
To destroy our temples
But God was on our side
The eyes of my country's children have grown up in a second
I've hardened up
And left my heart back home, under the pines
I'm asking
Mom, are you ok?
Mom, are you ok?
Mom, are you ok?
Mom, are you ok
You're ok?
You're ok?
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