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The January blizzard rings

To meet one's love is a hard problem,
The planet goes round and round in circles,
The planet flies into the beyond through the hustle of days,
Not so easy, not so easy to fall in love on it.
The January blizzard rings,
And downpours fall resiliently,
And stars just rush in circles,
And cities make noise.
People don't see each other,
Passing by each other,
People lose each other
Never to find again.
Love has another difficult task:
Find one, but if it's false, false.
You'll find a fake one, but in the hustle of days
Not so easy, not so easy to see it's true face.
And my true love is out there somewhere,
Unique and eternal, eternal.
I search for it forever, but in the hustle of days
Not so easy, not so easy for us to meet.
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Звенит январская вьюга

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