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  • Halina Birenbaum

    Fruma → Tłumaczenie (angielski)

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tak dawno nie wymawiane
wygrzebane przypadkiem
ze świata popiołów
w otchłani pamięci
twarz przezroczysta blada
skulona przy mnie pod kocem
na narze w bloku 27
dwa tygodnie po tyfusowej selekcji 1
zatopiona w drogich obrazach
o domu o matce
o przysmakach jakie jadała
grzeję się ciepłem jej ciała
wyobraźnią o jej domu
w Sosnowcu nieznanym
o tych fantastycznych przysmakach
byłam dłużej w obozie choć młodsza
mnie zawlekli do Birkenau
z getta Warszawy
z komory gazowej Majdanka
wzajemnie wspierałyśmy się
na bloku
hałas tłum więźniarek ruchliwy
tego dnia w Auschwitz mgła nieprzenikniona
ziąb straszliwy - niebywała szansa
komanda nie idą do pracy
można wrócić na koje
uśpić głód marzyć o szczęśliwej
wtem kapo w drzwiach
zgiełk się wzmaga napięcie
wywołują numery
my w opowiadaniu Frumy oderwane
chyba biorą kogoś do pracy
czy na jakieś kary
tyle kobiet na bloku
nie zwracamy uwagi
po kolejnym wywołanym numerze
powtórzone z wściekłością wołanie
przerywa wpół zdania
zeskoczyła z nary
przy drzwiach się rozebrała
owiniętą w szorstki koc
pognali w grupie wybranych
do gazu
pod kocem
jeszcze ciepło jej ciała
w uszach głos wzruszony o domu
o matce o matczynym jedzeniu
za barakiem przed oczami
gęsty czarny dym z komina
miała 16 lat i delikatną bladą twarz
cichą dobroć ludzką w tym piekle na ziemi
i tyle z niej pozostało we mnie
na zawsze
  • 1. W okresie epidemii w Birkenau jesienią 1943 r. odbywały się częste selekcje, podczas których nie rozbierano się do naga. Badano jedynie języki - biały język stanowił wyrok do gazu. Na opisanej wyżej selekcji nie odprowadzano do komór gazowych jak zwykle, tylko coś zaznaczano obok numerów poszczególnych więźniarek. Po dwóch tygodniach dopiero wywołano numery tych kobiet podczas blokady w obozie i rozebrane zawleczono je na śmierć. H.B.


a name
long not mentioned
by chance scooped out
from the world of ashes
from the gap of memories
transparent pale face
curled up near me under a blanket
on a bank in 27th block
two weeks after typhoid selection 1
absorbed in lovely scenes
about her home about mother
about delicacies which she once ate
I listen
warming myself with her body's warmth
imagining her home
in the unknown town of Sosnowiec
about the fantastic delicacies
though I was younger, I'd been longer in the camp
they dragged me to Birkenau
from the Warsaw Ghetto
and from the gas chamber in Majdanek
we mutually supported each other
a noisy crowd of active prisoners
today there was a dense fog in Auschwitz
awful chill uncommon
the command - nobody works today
we can return to our bunks
put to sleep hunger and daydreams about the happy past
all of sudden
a capo at the door
turmoil grows tension
calling out numbers
we were lost in Fruma's tale
maybe they are taking somebody to work
or somebody is being punished
with so many women on the block
we don't pay attention
after the next number is called
furious repeated calls
stopping at half sentence
jumps of the bunk
near the door she took off her clothes
covering herself with a gray rough blanket
chased in the group of the selected
to the gas
under the blanket
still warm her body
sounds of touching voice about home
about mother's cooking
before the eyes behind the barrack
dense smoke from a huge chimney
she was 16 years old and had a delicate pale face
quiet human kindness in this hell on earth
and so much was left of her in me
  • 1. At the time when in the fall of 1943 was a typhoid epidemic there were often selections but there was no need to take off clothes till naked. They used to lock at the tongue. A with tongue was a verdict for gas. On the described selection nobody was taken to the gas chamber as usual, but they marked something near the number of an individual prisoners. After two weeks they called numbers of women during a blockade in the camp and dragged them undressed to their death. H.B.
Halina Birenbaum: Top 3
OgingerOOgingerO    niedz., 14/11/2021 - 09:13

It would be Fruma in English (it's a Yiddish name from the word Frum).

on a bank in 27th block

In English: in the 27th block or block 27.

typhoid selection

Please add this as a footnote if you can, by adding (after" typhoid selection")
this is how it works:


Also, it's spelt Kapo. 

Thanks for adding this translation. It is important.

  • 1. At the time when in the fall of 1943 was a typhoid epidemic there were often selections but there was no need to take off clothes till naked. They used to lock at the tongue. A with tongue was a verdict for gas. On the described selection nobody was taken to the gas chamber as usual, but they marked something near the number of an individual prisoners. After two weeks they called numbers of women during a blockade in the camp and dragged them undressed to their death. H.B.
OgingerOOgingerO    niedz., 14/11/2021 - 09:08

you add square brackets with fn inside

and then close it with the same thing but with /fn instead of fn - I can't do it inside the comment or else it makes it a footnote. You can see the full explanation here:

   sob., 27/11/2021 - 00:12

a noisy crowd of active prisoners"

This doesn't make sense, "ith" isn't a word. Based on the Polish it should be "In the block".

   sob., 27/11/2021 - 11:04

I know, but it's not my translation

   sob., 27/11/2021 - 13:13

I'd edit it anyway, maybe comment on it in the submitter's comment...