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  • Sopa de Cabra

    El so de la llum → Tłumaczenie (angielski)

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El so de la llum

Si no saps on anar,
Si et sents cansat.
Si el món és fosc
I les il·lusions,
Per tu, ja han acabat.
Atura una estona
El món que t'envolta
I mira ben dins teu:
Recorda la força
Que et dona la màgia
De viure en llibertat...
No ho pensis i escolta
El so de la llum,
Que no acabarà
Quan mori el temps.
L'amor és tot... Tot és amor
I tots som implicats.
No et pots amagar:
No tens on anar
Si rebutges la veritat.
Atura una estona
El món que t'envolta
I mira ben dins teu:
Recorda la força
Que et dona la màgia
De viure en llibertat...
No ho pensis i escolta
El so de la llum,
Que no acabarà
Quan mori el temps...
Que no acabarà...

The Sound of Light

If you don't know where to go,
If you feel tired.
If the world is dark
And all hopes
Have died for you.
Stop for a moment
The world that surrounds you
And look deep within you:
Remember the strength
That lends you the magic
Of living in freedom...
Don't think about it and listen
To the sound of light,
Which will not end
Once time has died.
Love is everything... Everything is love
And all of us are involved.
You cannot hide:
You don't have anywhere to go
If you reject the truth.
Stop for a moment
The world that surrounds you
And look deep within you:
Remember the strength
That lends you the magic
Of living in freedom...
Don't think about it and listen
To the sound of light,
Which will not end
Once time has died...
It will not end...
Sopa de Cabra: Top 3