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「誰だお前は」と言われ続けて 赤字のライブで、だるい社会で
ラジオに雑誌にインターネット 誰だお前は?誰なんだ僕は?
初期衝動もとっくに消えた 「今に見てろよ」って今も過ぎた
だからと言って惰性ではなくて 言わざるをえない言葉について
バイトで散々陰口言われて 手に汗びっしょり膝が震えて
助走は長けりゃいいって言うが あまりに深い暗いどん底で
今が助走だって言い聞かせて 自分とばかり会話が増えて
ついに僕は僕と二人暮らし そして気付くんだ「誰だお前は」
金も生活もどうでもいいよ 綺麗なものだけ見させてくれよ
ライブ帰り浅虫の黄昏 そういう景色をもっと見たいよ
言葉は無力と誰かが言った 無力と言うのも言葉と知れば
恨み辛みも嫉妬も賛美も 全弾こめて、悲観蜂の巣だ
誰かの言葉で話すのやめた 誰かの為に話すのやめた
ノルマ、売り上げ、数字じゃなくて 僕は言葉で会話がしたいよ
理想論、嘲笑うのは誰だ 歌手は理想を歌うのが常だ
いいからお前さっさと歌えよ 一体全体、誰だお前は?

My Second Instinct

In my near-empty concerts and this tepid society, people always ask me who I’m supposed to be.
On the radio, in magazines, even on the internet. Who are you supposed to be? Who even am I really?
My first instinct failed me a long time ago. I promised I would make it soon, but soon’s already gone.
Just saying you will doesn’t create momentum, and yet here I am, still compelled to say it.
I was plagued by horrible gossip at my workplace. It made my hands sweat and I felt my knees shake.
I know you have to get a running start before you jump, but the dark abyss looks like it’d swallow me up.
I want to hear you say that you’re gonna go for it. I’ve been talking to myself so much more lately.
It feels like I’m living in my house with myself. And soon I asked him, “Who are you supposed to be?”
Who gives a damn about money and livelihood? Show me something that’s actually worth looking at!
Like the twilight in Asamushi after a concert. That’s the kind of beauty I want you to show me!
I heard somebody say that words are powerless. But if that’s true, then powerless means nothing too!
I’ve enough hate, envy, and obsession to load a gun. I could fill up a wasp’s nest with this pessimism!
To hell with speaking the words of somebody else! To hell with speaking for the sake of someone else!
I don’t want to talk about quotas, figures, or data! I want to talk to you with words from the heart!
To hell with you who mock people for their ideals! What sort of singer wouldn’t sing about their desires?!
How about you actually give singing a shot yourself?! Just who in the hell are you supposed to be?!