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  • Motohiro Hata

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放課後の約束に 遠く 滲む サヨナラ
振り向く影 名前を呼ぶ声がして
夏の終わりに気付きもしないで 僕は君だけ見つめた
弱くて いびつで すぐに壊れそうな あの頃の僕にね
夕闇 傾いだ空に かすかな光 探している
君が好きだと 好きだと 言えたなら
いつまでも 届かずに あの日のまま
心では まだ 君を待っていた
せわしなく過ぎていく日々の どこかで きっと
変わったのは 僕の方なのかな
映る全てが 他人の顔して 白々しく沈んだ
「狡さも繕いさえも仕方ないさ」 つぶやいた言葉は
行き場を失くして ふっと 溶けて消えた
夕闇 浮かんだ星は まるで あの日の君のように
頼りない今を やさしく 照らしてる
移ろう風に いつかの夢が 翳んでも 傷付いても
それでも変わらない大切なもの 抱いて 僕らは今日を生きる
ガラスは砕けて 胸に刺さったまま 鈍く痛むけれど
キラキラ 目映い光 乱反射する
夕闇 紛れた街へ 長い坂道 歩いてゆく
君のかけらは いつもここにあるから
離れても 離れても 輝いてる


I was waiting for you on that slope.
Farewell permeates our after-school rendezvous.
As you turned around to my voice calling your name,
I was gazing at you, not even aware of the end of summer.
To me, who back then was weak, strange, and on the verge of breaking,
you gave a pair of humble wings.
As the sun sets in the darkening sky, I search for a faint light.
If only I had been able to tell you that I loved you...
The letter I wrote in the corner of my textbook
never managed to reach its destination.
In my heart, I was still waiting for you.
I was waiting at some point in our restlessly passing days.
Was I the one that had actually changed?
Every face now looked unfamiliar and quickly sank away.
"You can't blame people for being crafty or trying to smooth over their faults."
These whispered words, having lost their destination, suddenly vanished.
The stars, rising out of twilight's darkness,
are gently illuminating my helpless present, just as how you did on that day.
I will not forget.
Even if our long held dream should be blurred or injured by the fickle wind,
we will still hold on to what's precious to us and live through today.
Even though I still feel a dull pain from the shattered glass shard pierced in my bosom,
dazzling light is reflecting off that shard and sparkling in all directions.
I walk on the long slope towards the town that's shrouded in evening's darkness.
Your shards can always be found in this place.
The constellation created by our joined hands
will always be sparkling no matter how far apart the stars become.