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Rosa Helikopter

in a pink helicopter
am i flying home to you
in a pink helicopter
yes, then i will fly home to you every day
in a pink helicopter
all the way home to you
in a pink helicopter
yes, then im flying through the stars home to you
laying awake in my bed in the middle of the night and dreaming about you
i felt that my dreams let me down
laying alone in my room only wanting and thinking about you
Ohh I know what i want
I want up to the heaven one more time
in a pink helicopter
am i flying home to you
in a pink helicopter
yes, then i will fly home to you every day
in a pink helicopter
all the way home to you
in a pink helicopter
yes, then im flying through the stars home to you
getting early to the slug, just as good when im feeling this way
because i only wanted to see if you already were there
when we had geography, yes, then you sat and waited for me
Ohh I know what i want
because i want up to the heaven one more time
in a pink helicopter
am i flying home to you
in a pink helicopter
yes, then i will fly home to you every day
in a pink helicopter
all the way home to you
in a pink helicopter
yes, then im flying through the stars home to you
in a pink helicopter
im going to fly all the way
home to you
to you
to you
in a pink helicopter
im going to fly all the way
home to you
to you
Letras originais

Rosa Helikopter

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