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  • Ebru Gündeş

    Yakışıklı → Tradução para Inglês

Tamanho da fonte
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There's someone in my life
He put a point into my heart
He took me away
My heart is full of love
Sometimes a still sea
Sometimes crazy romantic
We don't break up
We swore this love
Both sympathetic and handsome
Indeed, a very brave lad
He stole my heart with a smile
I love him so much
Gone with the wind
Time next to him
I die of excitement
When he kissed me
Letras originais


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Por favor, ajuda a traduzir "Yakışıklı"
Ebru Gündeş: 3 mais populares
Max-2006Max-2006    Sexta-feira, 20/09/2019 - 06:53

Nice English translation. Wish you the best.