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Типичный Мужчина

Скажи адвокат, что мне делать?
Я думаю, что я могу в тебя влюбиться.
Защитите меня от моих чувств.
Не дашь ли мне какой-нибудь совет?
Как мне справиться с моей жизнью?
Я уверена, что мы можем заключить сделку.
Я признаюсь, что я вообще-то без ума
от любого умного мужика.
Но твоему уму не сравниться
с моим сердцем.
Мне лишь нужно совсем немного,
чтобы нарушить равновесие.
Я всего лишь использую свои чары
на типичном мужчине.
Я приму то, что ты считаешь справедливым.
Но когда ты защищаешься, это не помогает мне.
Закон является проблематичным для меня,
точнее - авторитетные фигуры.
Это превращает меня в плохую девочку.
Так, адвокат, тебе надо поймать меня, если я споткнусь.
А, говорят что ты такой же умный,
как самый умный.
A я знаю, что когда я рядом с тобой,
ты как каждый человек.
Мне лишь нужно совсем немного,
чтобы нарушить равновесие.
Я всего лишь использую свои чары
на типичном мужчине.
Так отложи книги в сторону,
сними пиджак, расслабь галстук
И открой своё сердце для меня
И открой своё сердце для меня
Мне лишь нужно совсем немного,
чтобы нарушить равновесие.
Я всего лишь использую свои чары
на типичном мужчине.
Что-то для меня.
Я всего лишь использую свои чары
на типичном мужчине.
Мне лишь нужно совсем немного,
чтобы нарушить равновесие.
Я всего лишь использую свои чары
на типичном мужчине.
Letras originais

Typical Male

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"Typical Male" está nas coleções:
Tina Turner: 3 mais populares
Idioms from "Typical Male"
BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 03:40

Скажите адвокат, что мне делать?
Я думаю, что я могу в тебя влюбиться.
Защитите меня от моих чувств.
Нет ли у вас никакого совета?
Как мне справиться с моей жизнью?
Я уверена, что мы можем заключить сделку

I confess I'm a fool for a man -- я признаюсь, что люблю мужчин
With a clever mind -- обладающих умом
But your intellect ain't no match -- но твоему уму не сравниться
For this heart of mine -- с моим сердцем

All I want is a little reaction -- все, что я хочу - это какую-то реакцию
Just enough to tip the scales -- лишь бы склонить чашу весов
I'm just using my female attraction -- используя свои женские чары
On a typical male, on a typical male -- на характерном мужчине

Всё. Иду спать. Жди Машу.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 03:46

Ну, Д, на женских чарах мы сошлись ;)

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 05:47

But nobody asked you to erase the page...

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:05

I thought it was her iphone that translated it? Anyway, I had no time to watch it closer, it already had disappeared.

silencedsilenced    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:07

C'était toujours mieux que les Allemands qui se croyaient en train de sauver le soldat Ryan :D

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 03:44

So put your books aside - Так отложи книги в сторону,
Loosen off the suit and tie - сними пиджак, расслабь галстук
Open up your heart and let me in - И открой своё сердце для меня
Open up your heart and let me in

All I want is a little reaction - Мне лишь нужно совсем немного,
Just enough to tip the scales - чтобы нарушить равновесие.
I'm just using my female attraction - Я всего лишь использую свои чары
On a typical male, on a typical - на обычном мужчине

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 03:42

Мужчина не общий, а типичный или характерный

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 03:52

V1L2 typo влюблиться=влюбиться

PinchusPinchus    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 04:12

В начале все хорошо, только вот это надо исправить:
>Нет ли у тебя никакого совета?
"Не дашь ли мне какой-нибудь совет?" или "Нет ли у тебя для меня какого-нибудь совета?"

PinchusPinchus    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 04:13

>fool for a man
дурею от мужчин...

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 19:26

Thanks Pinas for the corrections, but I'm not really sure if you understand what she means when she sings "I'm a fool for a man with a clever mind." It means that intelligent men make her do stupid things. It's as if they make her nervous, because she thinks they're sexy. Is that what your translation means? It doesn't seem so to me. If it is, then let me know and I'll update that. Thanks once again. :)

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 19:50

No, this means she has a weakness liking smart men

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 01:23

I guess that's close enough. Don't you think?

silencedsilenced    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 05:59

Correct me if I'm wrong, Phil, but I suppose it's similar to "I'm a sucker for...", so that would be "I just can't resist a man like that" or something?

silencedsilenced    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:26

Yep, that's the idea. I'm not 100% sure "fool" works the same, but I think it does.

PinchusPinchus    Quinta-feira, 10/10/2019 - 20:45

Фил, да именно так:
- дурею (глупею) в присутствии умных мужчин

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:07

Помидор - не овощ, а фрукт :D

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:10

В России они овощи.

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:34

Я хотел сказать: Россия – страна всех возможностей.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:38

Ну конечно, мы помидоры по мановению волшебной палочки превратили в «многогнёздные синкарпные ягоды», спасибо Жене за бдительность :)

PinchusPinchus    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 09:06

для помидоров.

vevvevvevvev    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:13

"Плоды томата — с точки зрения ботаники — многогнёздные синкарпные ягоды" :)

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:40

Технократы, это такие парни, когда задаете им вопрос и они заканчивают отвечать, вы больше не понимаете вопрос, который задали.
(Coluche, French Popular Wisdom)
То же самое с учеными.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:48
Jadis a scris:

Технократы, это такие парни, когда задаете им вопрос и они заканчивают отвечать, вы больше не понимаете вопрос, который задали.
(Coluche, French Popular Wisdom)
То же самое с учеными.

So cute!
Парни = bros = unisex :)

BratBrat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 07:33
Jadis a scris:

Технократы, это такие парни, когда задаете им вопрос и они заканчивают отвечать, вы больше не понимаете вопрос, который задали.
(Coluche, French Popular Wisdom)
То же самое с учеными.

А технокрады - это такие парни, которые, если ты положил где-то какую-то вещь, так технично её сопрут, что ты и сам не будешь уверен, клал ли ты её туда, да и была ли она вообще у тебя... ;)

sandringsandring    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:46

Мне кажется, она хочет сказать "Признаю, что я просто дура по сравнению с умным мужчиной"

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 06:51

Надя, когда кажется- креститесь :)

sandringsandring    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 10:39

Ну да, Маша, конечно, как говорила Агата Кристи "Люди не меняются". Нет там никакого "без ума". Весь смысл песни в том, что может я и дура по сравнению с тобой, но у меня большое сердце и женский шарм, это и уравновесит наши шансы. Впрочем, whatever

BratBrat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 11:04

Это довольно (Hi, Phil!) необычное выражение. Не слышал, чтобы по-английски так говорили, даже в Америке.
I'm a fool for the/my boss - Я как дура влюбилась в (своего) начальника. I'm a fool for a boss - Я как дура влюбилась в какого-то начальника
Так не говорят...
В любом случае тут должны шкубаться в первую очередь носители языка, а я что-то не наблюдаю их активности...

sandringsandring    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 12:42

Надень очки, Брат :)

BratBrat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 13:43

Я не ношу диоптрических очков, у меня с детства стопроцентное зрение, несмотря на регулярное чтение в темноте лежа под одеялом с фонариком... А те поляризационные очки, что я ношу на улице и за рулём - они от солнца и от света встречных фар спасают. Хотя бывает, гаишники докапываются, почему в правах не указано ношение очков, и тогда я устраиваю конкурс ''кто быстрее прочитает номер приближающегося авто''. Я всегда в нём выигрываю..
Так вот, я прекрасно знаком с вышеприведенной идиомой, просто имел в виду, что объект обожания - всегда конкретное лицо, требующее определённого артикля. Употребление этой идиомы по отношению к неопределённому объекту - это, как его,- double bind...

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 12:52

Brat, expression "to be fool for" is quite common. And I disagree it means дура. It means just as I said before - having a weakness for something or someone. E.g.: I am a fool for Brat and Jadis because I am in awe of their language skills. Way before anything close to falling in love. I am in awe of Nadia's skill too, but the expression wouldn't fit here for I couldn't fall in love with her. Lol.

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 13:35
BlackSea4ever a scris:

Way before anything close to falling in love.

Be careful, anyway, one never knows what might happen...

BratBrat    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 13:44
BlackSea4ever a scris:

Brat, expression "to be fool for" is quite common. And I disagree it means дура. It means just as I said before - having a weakness for something or someone. E.g.: I am a fool for Brat and Jadis because I am in awe of their language skills. Way before anything close to falling in love. I am in awe of Nadia's skill too, but the expression wouldn't fit here for I couldn't fall in love with her. Lol.

Just read what Phil wrote...

Phil Ambro a scris:

Thanks Pinas for the corrections, but I'm not really sure if you understand what she means when she sings "I'm a fool for a man with a clever mind." It means that intelligent men make her do stupid things. It's as if they make her nervous, because she thinks they're sexy.

I believe him...

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 13:49

Phil's interpretations are certainly unique.
Btw, my reading under the blanket didn't work out quite as well - glasses since 5th grade. Lol.

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 15:17

What you do under the blanket doesn't concern us.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 15:41

What's a good French curse word describing a man who acts like a donkey (ass)

silencedsilenced    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 15:53

"petit polisson" would fit well here, I think.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 16:27

Only if petit polisson (got to be careful with the spelling: pollison, polison...) refers to l' âne

silencedsilenced    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 16:46

French insults targetting intelligence are pretty offensive. No wonder, what with our famous arrogance. We just hate having our smart-assedness thrown back at us :D
Call someone an "âne" (donkey) and you might end up in a fistfight :)

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 16:59

I don't think Philippe's reach is that long. Plus, I hope he doesn't hit the girls. But, you cleverly gave me a different answer - give me something that lovingly gets the message across.

silencedsilenced    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 17:07

Why don't you do it Ghostbusters style and let Philippe pick the shape of his doom?

JadisJadis    Sexta-feira, 11/10/2019 - 17:01

The actor, playing Shakespeare's Richard III :
- A horse ! A horse ! My kingdom for a horse !
A spectator, joking :
- Wouldn't a donkey do it ?
The actor :
- Sure ! Join us on stage !

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Sábado, 12/10/2019 - 01:59

Oh my! I was reading all of these comments at once. This one made me laugh out loud, literally. :)
As for the instigation of all this controversy. I would like to clarify that...
"I'm a fool for a man with a clever mind." Means exactly what I said it did. "I act silly (stupid) when I'm around intelligent men (because I think they're sexy)."

I'm a fool = I'm a stupid person.

I've been a fool thinking that you loved me. = I was an idiot, because I incorrectly believed that you loved me.

"being a fool" is literally "not know something that is obvious to anyone else"

We have a saying in English, "You can't see the forest for the trees." Meaning, "You can't see a forest, if you're standing in the trees." Or, even easier, "You can't see something that is happening to you, although you could see the same thing if it were happening to someone else."

A "fool" is a person who does things that they would tell their friends not to do. But, because they don't know that they're doing it, they do it anyways.

In this song, she's saying "I realize that I act stupid around intelligent men (because I think they're sexy). And, I would tell most people not to do that, but I can't stop myself." All of that is implied when she says "I'm a fool for a man with a clever mind."

In English I would say, "She's aware that she's in the trees, but she's still looking for the forest."

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Sábado, 12/10/2019 - 02:36

Nope. I thought you speak fluent English...
It doesn't say just "I am a fool" but "I am a fool for"
Which most frequently implies one is infatuated (or has weakness for...) although you might argue they might feel foolish, but it isn't what's at the heart of this expression.

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Sábado, 12/10/2019 - 04:17

I do speak fluent English. LOL. As you well know.
I'm a fool. In modern English is very similar to "I'm an idiot, because someone lied to me and I believed it."
In old times "a fool" was a jester, or a comedian of the King's court. He told jokes that would make the King laugh, but that meaning is long gone.
There's also the verb "to fool" which means "to deceive". You fooled me = You deceived me.
But, in this case, it's still similar. She's a fool for an intelligent man. She acts stupid when she's around intelligent men. She's strongly (normally "sexually") attracted to intelligent men, and she doesn't act normal (or "smart") when she's around them.
And, as for Webster's dictionary...it's very good. I didn't get my definition from the dictionary though, just from being an English speaker all my life. And, YES, I very much like the definition you supplied: "that she in infatuated, or has a weakness for..."
But, still "I'm a fool for"... does imply infatuation and acting stupid because of it. But, when people are infatuated, they often act stupid. I guess that's part of infatuation. Isn't it? So, maybe it's the same thing. :)

silencedsilenced    Sábado, 12/10/2019 - 09:41

I agree this is a kind of "weak idiom". The meaning can be guessed even if you never heard it before.
Still I suppose it's a somewhat fixed expression. I don't suppose you could say "I'm a mad man for pretty women" or "I'm a dope for clever girls" that easily, or could you?

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 01:30

As an American, I wouldn't say those things. "mad" we generally use for "angry" (of course there are exceptions! You gotta love English for our use of exceptions!), and "dope" nowadays is generally used for "narcotic drugs" rather than its old meaning "stupid" (but "dopey" still means "stupid"). It's kind of like "gay" used to mean "happy", but not anymore. LOL Still, I have no idea what they might say in Britain.
I would say "I go crazy for pretty women." Or, "Clever girls make me lose my mind."
We have a lot of sayings for this type of thing.
"I get weak in the knees for pretty girls."
"I turn into a bumbling idiot (or "moron") whenever a pretty girl is around."

But, infatuation is a human characteristic, and I'm sure that such sayings must exist in every language. I can't imagine that only English speakers act like an idiot when they're around someone that they find to be sexually attractive. LOL
But, that is exactly what she's saying in this song.
"I'm a fool for a man with a clever mind." = she acts like an idiot whenever an intelligent man is near her, because they "turn her on."

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 01:42

For the last time, she doesn't act like an idiot... She just falls for smart men. Weakness of hers...😉
And he does NOT turn her on - she tries to charm him.
End. Really. This time.

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 04:34

For the last time. Yes, she falls for smart men. It's a weakness of hers. AGREED!!!
But, when she falls for them, she does so in a stupid or embarrassing way. We disagree, obviously.
And, he DOES turn her on. You're wrong!
I don't know why she would "fall for him" if he didn't turn her on.
We can split hairs later, over something more important than this.
But, I don't know why any woman or man would "fall for someone" if they're not "turned on" by them.
And, in this song she even admits it, saying "My pulse react(s)…. It's physical." Not turned on, huh?
Wow! You're right! {Sarcasm} Maybe she's just going through menopause, slipped and "fell on" him, instead of "falling for" him. The lyrics make sense, my way. Your way is, uh, "weird"; or would "bizarre" be a better word? Let's argue about this next.

Onto another subject, if you don't mind. I hope you're feeling better after such a trying week.
Haven't been having the best of weeks myself, but this banter cheers me up, and I hope it's not making your pulse react negatively.
Hugs. :)

Oh, and if you really want to put emphasis on an ending of a comment, like "End. Really. This time."
You could just say "The End! Mic drop." It gets the point across, and is rather funny too. :)

BratBrat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:03

Ах, Юра, Юра, Юра!
Я такая дура,
Что в тебя влюбилась...

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:09

Я такую нервную давно не видела
P.S. В зеркало не смотрюсь

BratBrat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:14

Коза глючит...

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:25

А коза кто?
У меня только программы глючат. Д подтвердит, I hope

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:38

Oh, darn! А программы лучше глючили

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:41

Why past tense. I spent 4 hours last night or this morning on these and there are plenty left...

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:47

Those are not programs, they are apps
Unless you are talking about something like COBOL or FORTRAN programs

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:51

Our system is a secret mix of what Brat had floating in the sea. We can't divulge info lest someone else can pile more of the same.

silencedsilenced    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:52

Some people around know quite well how a computer program works.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:55

Pierre, I've seen a lot, but I guarantee, we can shock you.

silencedsilenced    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 19:19

You will you will rock me ?

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 19:37

I said shock not rock. You, and all your double entendres.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 19:05

This why I am not looking in the mirror

silencedsilenced    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:27

What's that? A Russian version of a Japanese teen idol ?

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:29

I think it's an attempt to show what words could be used by Phil.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 18:16

Ok, Phil and Brat [for liking the comment],
The following is not an argument about the song, but answer to somewhat inane remarks (no racing hearts, please).
A woman can fall for a smart guy regardless of her menopause state. That is not necessarily tied with her getting turned on or wanting to have sex. Women are capable, more so than men, to have a broader spectrum of feelings that include empathy, caring, desire to emotionally connect. Men are less willing to show their feelings - to bare your soul, if you will.
Mike was dropped.

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 19:13

I have to admit that no man on Earth can fight any argument about women! YOU WIN!
I have tried since I was about 12 years old to understand women, and for my entire life have done nothing but fail in this vain attempt!
I am forced to concede that whatever a woman says about women will have to have more truth to it, than anything I could say.

Nice Mic Drop! LOL, I just wish it didn't fall on my head because you knocked me to the floor. LOL

BTW: Just to keep our amicable argument going... I am fluent in English and it's "regardless or her MENOPAUSAL state." LOL

PinchusPinchus    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 19:36

Фил, женщину понять очень просто. Просто нужно немного тренировки. Надо поиграть с ней в карточную игру "верю - не верю" (не знаю, как она называется по-английски). Один мой друг уверяет, что так он изучил "женскую психологию" в совершенстве.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 19:41
Pinchus Zelenogorsky a scris:

Фил, женщину понять очень просто. Просто нужно немного тренировки. Надо поиграть с ней в карточную игру "верю - не верю" (не знаю, как она называется по-английски). Один мой друг уверяет, что так он изучил "женскую психологию" в совершенстве.

Go fish, PZ!

PinchusPinchus    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 19:45

Если мне нужно будет понять психологию рыбы, я сяду играть с рыбой. Или с 42. И лучше прямо на пирсе.
А как по-английски называется игра? Или нет такой?
О, я нашел: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheat_(game)

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 20:19

Sorry, I have never played that game. I have played the card game "go fish". But it seems different. I really don't understand that game. It seems stupid. To win all you need to do is never lie about what card you're putting on the table. If you never lie, then you just get rid of your cards. It seems stupid. Apparently this game can only be played with habitual liars, so that they have a fair chance to win. I, however, always tell the truth, as BlackSea will surely confirm. So, unfortunately, it seems I will never understand women. :( LOL

PinchusPinchus    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 22:37

Нет, там все не так просто. Надо скинуть все карты первым. То есть от них надо быстро избавляться. Ты кладешь 4 карты и говоришь: "4 туза". Следующий либо верит тебе и молча их берет, либо говорит "не верю" и проверяет. Если там 4 туза - он их берет, если нет - возвращает тебе.
Чтобы изучать чью-то психологию, надо, чтобы этот кто-то сидел "под тобой" (previous hand).

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Domingo, 13/10/2019 - 22:50

PZ, а давайте будем в дурака играть виртуально
У меня шестёрка козырей, я хожу

PinchusPinchus    Segunda-feira, 14/10/2019 - 02:23

Нужен нейтральный банкомет, который бы все ходы записывал.

BratBrat    Segunda-feira, 14/10/2019 - 01:42

Men-o-pausal, women-o-causal.
Mic drop.

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Segunda-feira, 14/10/2019 - 02:28

I always say, women are "men oh pause all", and men are "women full stop all".
