[SOLVED] 2 lines in Arabic

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Associou-se em: 31.03.2012
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The song contains two lines at the end in Arabic, are they correct?

Arabic starts @3:00

(This is what was phonetically transcribed, I think):
Allah Allah ya molan Allah
vahy al vali shokro lilah.

I think the lines are:
الله, الله يا مولانا
فهي الفالي شكره ليلة


Yes for the most part )) Here:
الله، الله يا مولانا الله
الله، الله يا مولانا الله
Allah Allah ya mulana Allah
Allah Allah ya mulana Allah
واه يا الوالي الشكر لله
واه يا الوالي الشكر لله
wah ya L-waly e-shokru liLlah
wah ya L-waly e-shokru liLlah

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<a href="/pt-br/translator/citl%C4%81licue" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1109697">citlālicue <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderador" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 31.03.2012

Thank you so much.