📌 Reporting mistakes [Lyrics/title/song/album/etc.], part II

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<a href="/pt-br/translator/carlosmstraductor" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1321493">carlosmstraductor </a>
Associou-se em: 01.01.2017


Incorrect: Auf 'ne Party heut' Nacht
Correct: Auf 'ner Party heut' Nacht

<a href="/pt-br/translator/kiyoura-row" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1507253">Kiyoura Row </a>
Associou-se em: 14.07.2021

Hello. That lyrics https://lyricstranslate.com/ru/aimer-haruhayuku-lyrics.html is not positioned correctly along the lines.
Source (official booklet) - https://vk.com/doc99982102_606238671?hash=f9a3dc3597eba84c8f&dl=bbb26e0b...

https://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/global/lyrics/aimer/haru-wa-yuku/ - here it is distributed as in the booklet

<a href="/pt-br/translator/kiyoura-row" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1507253">Kiyoura Row </a>
Associou-se em: 14.07.2021


The transliteration of the title of the song is "Tsumibito" not "Zuìrén", the latter is chinese pronunciation variant

<a href="/pt-br/translator/kiyoura-row" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1507253">Kiyoura Row </a>
Associou-se em: 14.07.2021


The lyrics ends with "source..."
It makes my transliteration not corresponding to the lyrics line by line, though it would be.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/k93" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1345575">K93 </a>
Associou-se em: 16.07.2017

Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/lion-king-ost-je-voudrais-d%C3%A9j%C3%A0-...
Incorrect: Lyrics, Featuring artist, Album & Also performed by:
Correct: Je voudrais déjà être roi
Correct Album: Le Roi Lion (Bande Originale Du Film)
Correct Featuring artist: Dimitri Rougeul, Melinda Attia & Michel Prudhomme
Also performed by: Ismaël El Marjou, Lévanah Solomon, Sébastien Desjours, Benoît Brière

Official lyrics:

Simba : C'est moi Simba, c'est moi le roi
Du royaume animal
Zazu : C'est la première fois qu'on voit un roi
Avec si peu de poils
Simba : Je vais faire dans la cour des grands une entrée triomphale
En poussant très royalement un rugissement bestial
Zazu : Majesté, tu ne te mouches pas du coude
Simba : Je voudrais déjà être roi !
Zazu : Tu as encore un long chemin à faire, votre altesse, tu peux me croire...

Simba : Au roi on ne dit pas
Zazu : D'ailleurs quand je dis ça, je...
Nala : Tiens ta langue et tais-toi
Zazu : Ce que j'essaie de dire c'est...
Simba : Surtout ne fais pas ça
Zazu : Il faut que tu comprennes...
Simba et Nala : Restes ici, assieds-toi
Zazu : Restez ici !

Simba : Sans jamais dire où je vais
Zazu : Ce lion a une tête de mule
Simba : Je veux faire ce qu'il me plaît

Zazu : Il est grand temps, votre grandeur
Qu'on parle de cœur à cœur
Simba : Le roi n'a que faire des conseils
D'une vieille corneille
Zazu : Si tu confonds la monarchie avec la tyrannie
Vive la république, adieu l'Afrique
Je ferme la boutique
Prends garde Lion, ne te trompe pas de voie
Simba : Je voudrais déjà être roi

Regardez bien à l'ouest
Regardez bien à l'est
Mon pouvoir sans conteste
Et sans frontières
Zazu : Pas encore

Tous : C'est une rumeur qui monte jusqu'au ciel
Les animaux répandent la nouvelle
Simba sera le nouveau Roi Soleil

Simba & Tous : Je voudrais déjà être roi
Je voudrais déjà être roi
Je voudrais déjà
Être roi

<a href="/pt-br/translator/fary" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1097876">Fary <div class="moderator_icon" title="Модератор" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 18.11.2011
MickG wrote:


Are you sure you want to add a whole comedy as a single item? If we want to add some of the original, I'd suggest we add the three excerpts that were drawn from in the mashup, and then keep this thing, with edited lyrics, as a cover of those excerpts.

But then would we have to do the same for all the Sappho mashups (by Avaton and Anastasia Guy) I've added in the past?


1. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/aer%C3%AD%C5%8Dn-ep%C3%A9%C5%8Dn-%C3%A1rk... (Avaton)
2. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/ta%C3%AEs-%C3%A9mais-eta%C3%ADrais-my-fri... (Avaton)
3. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/hym%C4%93%CC%81naon-hymenaeum.html (OK, not really a mashup, but still; Avaton)
4. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/eleni-mihalopoyloy-a%C3%BD%C5%8Ds-aphrod%... (Anastasia Guy);
5. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/eleni-michalopoulou-sapfo%CC%81-2-lyrics.... (Anastasia Guy, this is a translation of a mashup);
6. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/eleni-michalopoulou-i-li%CC%81ra-lyrics.html (Anastasia Guy, this is a random excerpt of a Sappho poem, mashed up with its translation by Odysseas Elytis and something else I cannot trace).

[@MickG], if I understood what you said correctly, it's fine to add mashups if the artist has actually recorded/performed them like that.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/mickg" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1435159">MickG </a>
Associou-se em: 07.10.2019

In this case there is indeed a video of exactly that mashup. My suggestion was to edit the current lyrics of the mashup to write them in the Greek script, as I did in my comment to the mashup (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/stefano-saletti-e-piccola-banda-ikona-tha...). The user I was replying to in the comment you quoted suggested to add the original poem, which is a whole comedy by Aristophanes, and otherwise get rid of the mashup.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/k93" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1345575">K93 </a>
Associou-se em: 16.07.2017

Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/lion-king-ost-preparaos-be-prepared-lyric...
Incorrect: Lyrics, Featuring artist, Album
Correct: Preparaos [Be Prepared] (Castilian Spanish)
Correct Album: El Rey León (Banda Sonora En Español)
Correct Featuring artist: Jordi Doncos, María Dolores & Antonio García Del Moral
Also performed by: Carlos Di Blasi

Ya sé que no sois muy despiertos
No podéis razonar sin error
Oid mi canción muy atentos
No habrá un momento mejor

Tenéis el instinto atrofiado
¿No oléis a carroña real?
Os hablo de un rey condenado
Si falláis, será vuestro final

Preparad vuestro olfato de hienas
Pronto habrá novedades aquí
Se acaba una era, la nueva os espera

¿Y qué papel es el nuestro?

Oid al maestro
Ya sé que es odioso, mas soy generoso
Y yo siempre devuelvo un favor
En justicia soy todo un león

¡Ya estamos preparados. Estaremos preparados! ¿Para qué?

Para la muerte del rey

¿Está enfermo?

No, idiota, le mataremos. Y a Simba también.

¡Excelente idea! ¿Quién necesita rey?

[Banzai & Shenzi:]
¡No rey, no rey! La la la la la la

¡Idiotas! ¡Sí habrá un rey!

Eh, has dicho...

¡Yo seré el rey! ¡Apoyadme y jamás volveréis a pasar hambre!

[Las Hienas:]
¡Sí, genial! ¡Larga vida al rey!
¡Larga vida al rey! ¡Larga vida al rey!

Qué bueno es sentirse mandados
Por un rey que provoca temor

Cuidad un pequeño detalle
Sed fieles o será peor
Tenéis un futuro dorado
Si no olvidáis quién manda aquí
Mas quiero que quede bien claro
¡No daréis un bocado sin mí!

Preparad vuestro golpe de estado
Preparad vuestra risa voraz (¡Oooooo, la-la-la !)
Sed meticulosos (El placer)
Y muy cautelosos (Debe ser)
Seréis mi venganza (Masticar)
Mi gran esperanza (Sin parar)
Un rey absoluto (¡Aaaaaaah !)
Amado y astuto (¡Aaaaaaah !)
Temido, glorioso y audaz (¡Aaaaaaah !)

Ese trono es mi gran ambición

[Las Hienas:]
Ese trono es su gran ambición


<a href="/pt-br/translator/mickg" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1435159">MickG </a>
Associou-se em: 07.10.2019
MickG wrote:

In this case there is indeed a video of exactly that mashup. My suggestion was to edit the current lyrics of the mashup to write them in the Greek script, as I did in my comment to the mashup (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/stefano-saletti-e-piccola-banda-ikona-tha...). The user I was replying to in the comment you quoted suggested to add the original poem, which is a whole comedy by Aristophanes, and otherwise get rid of the mashup.

To be clearer, here's the link: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/stefano-saletti-e-piccola-banda-ikona-tha...

Current lyrics:

Ay o megalonuma teknā
Tou talassiou
Pedatè parā famaton
Kai tin alos
Kalidon adelfoi aptugetu
Karidon adelfoi
Kai tin alos aptugetu
O palai pot ontes emeis
Alkimoi den maxais
Kai kat autō
Tuto monon andres
Caridon adelfoi
Tu thalatta

The lyrics that are being sung, with a few corrections (because they are being mispronounced in some places):

Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (x4)

Ἄγ᾽ ὦ μεγαλώνυμα τέκνα
Τοῦ θαλασσίου,
Πηδᾶτε παρὰ ψάμαθον (pron. famaton)
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί… ἀτρυγέτου (pron. aptugetu)…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου (pron. aptugetu).
Ἔστε, ὦ πάλαι ποτ᾽ ὄντες,
Ἡμεῖς νῦν ἐκεῖνο,
Ἄλκιμοι δ᾽ ἐν μάχαις (pron. maksaaais)
Καὶ κατ᾽ αὐτὸ
Τοῦτο μόνον ἄνδρες (Lady: Tonomonon andres)
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Ὦ θάλαττα!

Ἄγ᾽ ὦ μεγαλώνυμα τέκνα
Τοῦ θαλασσίου,
Πηδᾶτε παρὰ ψάμαθον (pron. famaton)
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί… ἀτρυγέτου (pron. aptugetu)…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου (pron. aptugetu).
Ἔστε (pron. Ese this time), ὦ πάλαι ποτ᾽ ὄντες,
Ἡμεῖς νῦν ἐκεῖνο,
Ἄλκιμοι δ᾽ ἐν μάχαις (pron. maksa-ís μαξαΐς)
Καὶ κατ᾽ αὐτὸ
Τοῦτο (Pron. Tono) μόνον ἄνδρες
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Ὦ θάλαττα!

Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (x4)
Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου (x4)…
Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου, Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου) (x4)
Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου (x8)…

What I was proposing is that the above mixed-script lyrics (the parts in Latin script are "musical gibberish", we could write it as Ἄμμανεεε ϳάμμανεε ϳάμμανεεεε αααα if we really wanted) be added with the "pron." annotations added as either footnotes or annotations. Another option would be to adjust the lyrics to the mispronunciations, and then annotate the correct words. We could also just add the original text, ignoring the mispronunciations, hoping that there isn't another alter ego of myself who doesn't know Ancient Greek and thus won't come, listen to the video, and go "Hey, the lyrics are wrong! They don't match the video!" :). Then again, that would probably still happen because of the accent marks, which don't match the way the text is set to music (because whoever did the setting part completely ignored them). We could also come up with a text which matches the stresses suggested by the music, and then add the original text as a note after the lyrics. In fact, there should be a note somewhere informing readers of where this comes from, and how the mashup was created. Below are two other renditions of the text.

----Text with mispronunciations baked in----

Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (x4)

Ἄγ᾽ ὦ μεγαλώνυμα τέκνα
Τοῦ θαλασσίου,
Πηδᾶτε παρὰ φάμαθον
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί… ἀπτυγέτου…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς ἀπτυγέτου.
Ἔστε, ὦ πάλαι ποτ᾽ ὄντες,
Ἡμεῖς νῦν ἐκεῖνο,
Ἄλκιμοι δ᾽ ἐν μάξα-αις
Καὶ κατ᾽ αὐτὸ
Τοῦτο μόνον ἄνδρες / Τόνο μόνον ἄνδρες
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Ὦ θάλαττα!

Ἄγ᾽ ὦ μεγαλώνυμα τέκνα
Τοῦ θαλασσίου,
Πηδᾶτε παρὰ φάμαθον
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί… ἀπτυγέτου…
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς ἀπτυγέτου.
Ἔσε, ὦ πάλαι ποτ᾽ ὄντες,
Ἡμεῖς νῦν ἐκεῖνο,
Ἄλκιμοι δ᾽ ἐν μαξαΐς
Καὶ κατ᾽ αὐτὸ
Τόνο μόνον ἄνδρες
Καρίδων ἀδελφοί,
Ὦ θάλαττα!

Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (x4)
Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου (x4)…
Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου, Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου) (x4)
Καὶ ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτου (x8)…

----Text with mispronunciations baked in and accents misplaced to match the music----

Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (x4)

Ἄγ᾽ ὦ μεγαλώνυμα τεκνὰ
Τοῦ θαλάσσιου,
Πηδατὲ παρὰ φαμαθὸν
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς…
Καριδῶν ἀδέλφοι… ἀπτυγέτου…
Καριδῶν ἀδέλφοι,
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἅλος ἀπτυγέτου.
Ἔστε, ὦ πάλαι πότ᾽ ὀντές,
Ἡμεῖς νυν ἔκεινο,
Ἀλκιμοὶ δ᾽ ἐν μάξα-αις
Καὶ κατ᾽ αὐτὸ
Τοῦτο μόνον ἄνδρες / Τόνο μόνον ἄνδρες
Καριδῶν ἀδέλφοι,
Ὦ θαλάττα!

Ἄγ᾽ ὦ μεγαλώνυμα τεκνὰ
Τοῦ θαλάσσιου,
Πηδατὲ παρὰ φαμαθὸν
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἁλὸς…
Καριδῶν ἀδέλφοι… ἀπτυγέτου…
Καριδῶν ἀδέλφοι,
Καὶ θῖν᾽ ἅλος ἀπτυγέτου.
Ἔσε, ὦ πάλαι πότ᾽ ὀντές,
Ἡμεῖς νυν ἔκεινο,
Ἀλκιμοὶ δ᾽ ἐν μαξαΐς
Καὶ κατ᾽ αὐτὸ
Τόνο μόνον ἄνδρες
Καριδῶν ἀδέλφοι,
Ὦ θαλάττα!

Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (x4)
Καὶ ἁλὸς ἄπτυγετου (x4)…
Ammaneee yammaneee yammaneee aaa… (Καὶ ἁλὸς ἄπτυγετου, Καὶ ἁλὸς ἄπτυγετου) (x4)
Καὶ ἁλὸς ἄπτυγετου (x8)…

Super Membro
<a href="/pt-br/translator/kashiyanchi" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1500674">kashiyanchi </a>
Associou-se em: 15.05.2021


Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/my-first-story-%E7%84%A1%E5%91%8A-lyrics....
Incorrect: The song title transliteration is incorrect.
Correct: It's not Mu Tsuge, it is Mukoku.


<a href="/pt-br/translator/kiyoura-row" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1507253">Kiyoura Row </a>
Associou-se em: 14.07.2021


The correct transliteration title of the song is "Haru wa yuku", not haruhayuku

<a href="/pt-br/translator/aver" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1472695">Iova </a>
Associou-se em: 07.10.2020

Song: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/helena-androsova-%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8C...
Please replace the video and change the lyrics with these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK4ESHMjSOM


Ваш скромний бард зустрів
В дорозі Відьмака.
Тож про Геральта з Ривії
Балада моя

Зійшовся Білий Вовк
В двобої із чортом
Та безліччю ельфів
Із ницим нутром

Схопили і мене
Підступні вороги
Понищили лютню
І в зуби дали

Коли ж поцілив біс
Рогами в ніжний бік
Тут скрикнув Відьмак наш;
«Ти, курва, допік!»

Киньте гріш Відьмакові
З долини у квітах, з долини у квітах
Киньте гріш Відьмакові
З долини у квітах

На краєчку землі
Зустрів страшну орду
Що б'є і мордує
Вганяє в пітьму

Прогнав ельфійський рід
Він аж за небокрай
Високо у гори
Назад в їхній край

Він бестій всіх здолав
За нас не раз вмирав
Він друг нам у бідах
Тож досить вже чвар

Кінець баладі цій
І важкому шляху.
Відьмак — переможець!
Налийте ж йому!

Киньте гріш Відьмакові
З долини у квітах, з долини у квітах
Киньте гріш Відьмакові
Він друг нам у бідах

<a href="/pt-br/translator/callmevilg" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1387365">callmevilg <div class="editor_icon" title=" Editor" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 26.06.2018


<a href="/pt-br/translator/greffd" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1501837">Greffd </a>
Associou-se em: 25.05.2021
<a href="/pt-br/translator/aver" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1472695">Iova </a>
Associou-se em: 07.10.2020

Please merge these pages, and leave the title as: Киньте Гріш Відьмакові
Song: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/eileen-youtuber-kyn%CA%B9te-hrish-vid%CA%...
This one will stay: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/helena-androsova-%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8C...

And this artist already exists, please delete it: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/eileen-youtuber-lyrics.html

<a href="/pt-br/translator/lazydaisy" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1457565">lazydaisy </a>
Associou-se em: 25.05.2020

Hi, everyone! Here: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/orishas-bombo-lyrics.html the original language is Spanish, not English. Thanks in advance!

<a href="/pt-br/translator/santixlsb" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1507571">Santixlsb </a>
Associou-se em: 17.07.2021

Hello. Please, update the lyrics:

* Song: (https://lyricstranslate.com/es/haash-impermeable-lyrics.html)
* Correct Album: A tiempo


Dicen tus palabras que me escondes algo
Lo sé cuando esos ojos se te van llenando
Sabes que si lloras, gana mi debilidad

Cuántas veces he escuchado esta parte
Que duele cada vez que intento descifrarte
Solo te arrepientes cuando quieres regresar

No eres perfecto, ya lo sé
Eso no fue con lo que me enamoraste
Es tu manera de fingir
Que nada pasa al desilusionarme
Me ahogaste y ahora

Ves que está fue la última vez
Porque tus disculpas ya no me tocan
Tú te resbalas de mi piel
Porque ya tus lágrimas no me mojan

De perdonarte, me cansé
No vuelvo a amarte
Hoy soy impermeable

Llueven tus palabras, la misma rutina
La misma que hoy nos deja sin salida
Pero ya esos labios no me pueden engañar

No eres perfecto, ya lo sé
Eso no fue con lo que me enamoraste
Es tu manera de fingir
Que nada pasa al desilusionarme
Me ahogaste y ahora

Ves que está fue la última vez
Porque tus disculpas ya no me tocan
Tú te resbalas de mi piel
Porque ya tus lágrimas no me mojan

De perdonarte, me cansé
No vuelvo a amarte
Hoy soy impermeable

Ves que está fue la última vez
Porque tus disculpas ya no me tocan
Tú te resbalas de mi piel
Porque ya tus lágrimas no me mojan

De perdonarte, me cansé (de perdonarte, me cansé)
Cerca de ti, me quedaré
No vuelvo a amarte
No vuelvo a amarte
Hoy soy impermeable

Super Membro
<a href="/pt-br/translator/torpedo23" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1207103">Torpedo23 </a>
Associou-se em: 10.05.2014

Please update this page: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/marwa-loud-amis-et-billets-lyrics.html
Current language: French (Middle French)
Correct language: French
Thank you!

Super Membro
<a href="/pt-br/translator/torpedo23" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1207103">Torpedo23 </a>
Associou-se em: 10.05.2014

Please update this profile https://lyricstranslate.com/en/aya-nakamura-lyrics.html
current country: France
correct country: Mali
Thank you!

Super Membro
<a href="/pt-br/translator/torpedo23" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1207103">Torpedo23 </a>
Associou-se em: 10.05.2014

Please update this page: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Patrick-Bruel-Decale-lyrics.html
current language: French
correct language: French, Portuguese

Moderador Distanciado Alex the Translator
<a href="/pt-br/translator/alexander-laskavtsev" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1248685">Alexander Laskavtsev </a>
Associou-se em: 06.06.2015

All done!

Guru 𝓘'𝓶 𝓐 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻
<a href="/pt-br/translator/slor" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1456124">SLOR </a>
Associou-se em: 12.05.2020

Can you edit this translation: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/blue-eyes-blue-eyes.html-3
It should be English not Korean translation... Thank you

Super Membro
<a href="/pt-br/translator/torpedo23" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1207103">Torpedo23 </a>
Associou-se em: 10.05.2014

Please update this page: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/antoine-delie-lyrics.html
current country: France
correct country: Belgium
official site: https://www.instagram.com/antoinedelie_off/?hl=en (no wikipedia page found)

<a href="/pt-br/translator/vladcoolish" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1366873">vlad.coolish </a>
Associou-se em: 01.01.2018

Hi :)

IMHO, this variant of chorus is more suitable for rhythm of official video
?What do you think about
If Yes > please add it as English #2

Sweet little words made for silence, not talk
Young heart for love, not heartache
Dark hair for catching the wind
Not to veil the sight of a cold world

While your lips are still red
While he's still silent
While bosom is still untouched, unveiled
Hold another hand
While the hand's still without a tool
Drown into eyes
While they're still blind
While the night still hides the withering dawn

First day of love never comes back
A passionate hour's never a wasted one
The violin, the poet's hand
Every thawing heart plays your theme with care



<a href="/pt-br/translator/santixlsb" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1507571">Santixlsb </a>
Associou-se em: 17.07.2021

Please, can you change the name of the song. (https://lyricstranslate.com/es/haash-cree-atrevete-fly-your-heart-lyrics...)

Name: "Cree, Atrévete [Fly to your Heart]"
Correct name: "Cree y atrévete"
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77shmk_tm4U&ab_channel=wannermusic


<a href="/pt-br/translator/fary" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1097876">Fary <div class="moderator_icon" title="Модератор" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 18.11.2011
vlad.coolish wrote:

Hi :)

IMHO, this variant of chorus is more suitable for rhythm of official video
?What do you think about
If Yes > please add it as English #2

[@vlad.coolish], I suppose it would fit, but at the same time all translators would have to edit their translations and the current chorus matches what's posted in the official video's description. Based on that I'll leave it like it is.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/mickg" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1435159">MickG </a>
Associou-se em: 07.10.2019


Correct lyrics:

Το ξέρω πως υποφέρεις
Γιατί δε θες να με πικράνεις,
Το ξέρω, αισθάνεσαι τύψεις
Γι' αυτό που τώρα πας να κάνεις.
Μάτια μου γλυκά,
Τα πράγματα για μένα είν' απλά!

Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Νιώθω σαν να μη σε ξέρω.
Μη μου λες πως με λατρεύεις!
Μάτια μου, με κοροϊδεύεις;
Δεν με αγαπάς,
Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Νιώθω σαν να μη σε ξέρω.
Μη μου λες πως με λατρεύεις!
Μάτια μου, με κοροϊδεύεις;
Δεν με αγαπάς,
Πέταξες και δε σε φτάνω...
Τώρα, ό,τι και να κάνω,
Δεν με αγαπάς, δεν με αγαπάς.

Το ξέρω, η φλόγα έχει σβήσει,
Και προσπαθείς να μου το κρύψεις.
Το ξέρω, θες να μ' αφήσεις,
Μα δε θες να με συντρίψεις.
Τώρα είν' αργά·
Τα φώτα της καρδιάς σου είναι κλειστά!

Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Νιώθω σαν να μη σε ξέρω.
Μη μου λες πως με λατρεύεις!
Μάτια μου, με κοροϊδεύεις;
Δεν με αγαπάς,
Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Νιώθω σαν να μη σε ξέρω.
Μη μου λες πως με λατρεύεις!
Μάτια μου, με κοροϊδεύεις;
Δεν με αγαπάς,
Πέταξες και δε σε φτάνω...
Τώρα, ό,τι και να κάνω,
Δεν με αγαπάς, δεν με αγαπάς.

"Τίποτα", μου λες, "δεν έχει αλλάξει,
Όλα, μωρό μου, είναι εντάξει,
Τίποτα ποτέ δεν άλλαξε για μας",
Μα εγώ άλλο βλέπω,
Άλλο νιώθω
Κι άλλο αισθάνομαι...

Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Νιώθω σαν να μη σε ξέρω.
Μη μου λες πως με λατρεύεις!
Μάτια μου, με κοροϊδεύεις;
Δεν με αγαπάς,
Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Νιώθω σαν να μη σε ξέρω.
Μη μου λες πως με λατρεύεις!
Μάτια μου, με κοροϊδεύεις;
Δεν με αγαπάς,
Πέταξες και δε σε φτάνω...
Τώρα, ό,τι και να κάνω,
Δεν με αγαπάς, δεν με αγαπάς.
Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Δεν με αγαπάς.
Δεν με αγαπάς, το ξέρω,
Δεν με αγαπάς.

Mostly adding missing apostrophes and punctuation, plus a change in line division suggested by the tune. I mean, when the tune puts long pauses between three parts of a line, you definitely want to split those parts up, right?

<a href="/pt-br/translator/mickg" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1435159">MickG </a>
Associou-se em: 07.10.2019


The submitter completely erased the lyrics. Can we roll back the last revision? Otherwise, just delete this. I should be able to get the lyrics back from my translation by listening.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/vladcoolish" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1366873">vlad.coolish </a>
Associou-se em: 01.01.2018

No problem. Thank you :)

<a href="/pt-br/translator/greffd" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1501837">Greffd </a>
Associou-se em: 25.05.2021

Artist: Cypis

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB4bcEBEw28
Title: Ach, Śpij Kochanie (Feat. Mokra Jolanta) = feat is not needed
Album: Depilejszyn dżenerejszyn

Video: https://youtu.be/uslj-918XZo
Album: Czas się wieszać 3

Video: https://youtu.be/pNDD_NzX9Io
Album: Sprawdzian z chemii

Album: Cała polska śpiewa z nami - solo

Video: https://youtu.be/ox4P73qoGrI
Album: Czas się wieszać 2
Feat: Fazi

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chQKtGBz7To
Album: Czas się wieszać

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4UWICt-f8U
Album: Patologiczne ścierwo

Album: Czas się wieszać 3

Album: Niedojebanie Mózgowe Trzeciego Stopnia

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPqkVTVq9c0
Album: Największe Patologiczne Hity

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ8z0gK2W0g
Album: J3bać Bi3d3

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGxdK9Xc9nw

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we5oWfvAx8c
Album: Zemsta Substancji Psychoaktywnych
Title: Ach, Śpij Kochanie (Feat. Mokra Jolanta) = feat is not needed

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKf3IALZ2I4
Album: Chamskie Disco

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOohhfh28UY
Album: Czas się wieszać 3

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FVXWK7VOUg
Album: Czas się wieszać 3

Album: Polityczna EPka

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUwzGGAtW28
Album: Polityczna EPka

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggCoxpVb1_M
Album: Styl Pijanej Anakondy

Album: Polityczna EPka

Album: Polityczna EPka

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeIEMZTaKgU
Album: Czas się wieszać 2

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GUd7R-JWSY
Album: Czas się wieszać 2

<a href="/pt-br/translator/mickg" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1435159">MickG </a>
Associou-se em: 07.10.2019
<a href="/pt-br/translator/k93" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1345575">K93 </a>
Associou-se em: 16.07.2017

Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/lion-king-ost-preparaos-be-prepared-lyric...
Incorrect: Lyrics, Featuring artist

I've forgotten to fix something

Incorrect Lyrics:
Eh, has dicho...

Correct Lyrics:
Eh, has dicho...

Incorrect Featuring artist: María Dolores

Correct Featuring artist: María Dolores Gispert

Someone can remove the comma from this sentence please?
Ya sé que es odioso, mas soy generoso

<a href="/pt-br/translator/kiyoura-row" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1507253">Kiyoura Row </a>
Associou-se em: 14.07.2021
<a href="/pt-br/translator/vba492" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1407248">Vba492 </a>
Associou-se em: 29.12.2018

Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/lion-king-ost-se-preparem-be-prepared-lyr...
Incorrect: Lyrics, Also performed by, Album
Correct: Se Preparem [Be Prepared] (Brazilian Portuguese)
Correct Album: O Rei Leão (Trilha Sonora em Português)
Also performed by: Rodrigo Miallaret

Eu sei que sua inteligência
Nunca foi, nem será generosa
Mas preste atenção, com paciência
Nas minhas palavras preciosas

Quem presta atenção se concentra
Pois quero que fiquem cientes
Que quando um rei sai outro entra
E é a razão para ficarem contentes

Se preparem pra ter nova vida
Uma vida sensacional
Chegou nova era, a velha já era

E a gente onde fica?

Já tudo se explica
Por sua presença, terão recompensa
Quando eu ocupar o meu trono
Injustiças farei com que parem
Se preparem!

É preparados. Vamos estar! Para quê?

Para a morte do rei

Está doente?

Não bobo, vamos matá-lo. E Simba também

Grande ideia! Quem quer um rei?

[Banzai & Shenzi:]
Morram os reis! La la la la la la

Idiotas! Haverá um rei!

Ué, mas você disse...

Eu serei rei! Fiquem comigo e jamais sentirão fome outra vez!

É, viva! Vida longa ao rei!
Vida longa ao rei! Vida longa ao rei!

O rei é um bom camarada
E o povo vai logo adorar

Vocês que serão mais amados
Farão tudo que eu tramar
Vou distribuir prêmios caros
Pra amigos que estejam afim
Mas quero deixar muito claro
Não vão comer nada sem mim!

Se preparem para o golpe do século
Se preparem para a trama sombria (Oooooo, la-la-la!)
Bem premeditada (A comer)
E bem calculada (Muito mais)
E um rei rejeitado (Outra vez)
Será coroado (Sem parar)
Por isso eu disputo (Aaaaaaah!)
E por isso eu luto (Aaaaaaah!)
O trono terá que ser meu (Aaaaaaah!)

Que os amigos não me desamparem
Se preparem!

Que os amigos não me desamparem

Se preparem!

<a href="/pt-br/translator/vba492" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1407248">Vba492 </a>
Associou-se em: 29.12.2018

Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/lion-king-ost-%C2%A1listos-ya-be-prepared...
Incorrect: Lyrics, Also performed by, Album
Correct: Listos ya [Be Prepared] (Latin Spanish)
Correct Album: El Rey León (Música Original De La Película)
Also performed by: Pisano

Yo sé que no tienen cerebro
Tiene más un infame animal
Mas tienen que hacer un esfuerzo
Me escuchan, o puede irles mal

Se ven sus miradas ausentes
No pueden en nada pensar
Mas hablamos aquí de linajes
Inconscientes no deben estar

Lo que viene será nuestra vida
La esperanza de hacer lo mejor
Una nueva era, se encuentra muy cerca

¿Y qué pintamos nosotros?

Escucha como nosotros
Yo sé que es un riesgo, tendrán recompensa
Para los que sigan mi juego
Y lo mío, yo logre tener
¡Listos ya!

¡Sí, estamos listos. Bien listos! ¿Para qué?

Para la muerte del rey

¿Qué, está enfermo?

No tonto, vamos a matarlo. Y a Simba también.

¡Buena idea! ¿Quién necesita rey?

[Banzai & Shenzi:]
¡Nadie, nadie! La la la la la la

¡Tontos! ¡Sí habrá un rey!

Pero, dijiste que...

¡Yo seré el rey! ¡Apóyenme y nunca más sufrirán hambre!

[Las Hienas:]
¡Sí! ¡Arriba! ¡Que viva al rey!
¡Que viva al rey! ¡Que viva al rey!

Y socios seremos no olviden
De un rey a quien van a adorar

Ya es hora que yo les obligue
A ciertas acciones tomar
Tendrán una gran recompensa
Aunque más voy yo a recibir
Sin mí, no tendrán ni una pizca
¡Es algo que debo decir!

Listos ya para el golpe del siglo
Listos ya para un acto genial (¡Oooooo, la-la-la!)
Planeándolo todo (A comer)
Con mucho cuidado (Mucho más)
A un lado me hacían (Otra vez)
Y no me querían (Sin parar)
Seré respetado (¡Aaaaaaah!)
Amado, alabado (¡Aaaaaaah!)
Por el gran portento que soy (¡Aaaaaaah!)

Y mis sueños al fin llegarán
¡Listos ya!

[Las Hienas:]
Nuestros sueños veremos llegar

¡Listos ya!

<a href="/pt-br/translator/songsef" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1374312">SongsEF </a>
Associou-se em: 03.03.2018


Can you please delete this translation https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/beggin-je-te-supplie.html ?
Most sentences are incorrectly translated with a bad french
"tu" and "vous" are also written in same sentences to translate "you" (which is incorrected) and some sentences means absolutely nothing


Guru 𝓘'𝓶 𝓐 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻
<a href="/pt-br/translator/slor" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1456124">SLOR </a>
Associou-se em: 12.05.2020
Moderador 👨🏻‍🏫🇧🇷✍🏻👨🏻
<a href="/pt-br/translator/don-juan" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1110108">Don Juan <div class="moderator_icon" title="중재자" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 05.04.2012

[@Floppylou] [@Geheiligt] opinions?

Guru Pululador
<a href="/pt-br/translator/hecatombe" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1459307">Hecatombe </a>
Associou-se em: 08.06.2020

Some fixing to these lyrics:

Matamoros Tamaulipas, orgullo de la frontera
Este corrido que traigo, que hoy canto por dondequiera
Es la noticia del año del señor Juan 'N' Guerra
Aprehendieron a Juan Guerra, por delitos federales
Y también a sus dos hijos y más otros familiares
Que no recuerdo sus nombres para poder mencionarles
Año del 91, 20 de Octubre corría
Fue la Interpol Mexicana que de antaño lo seguían
En carreras de caballos, fueron presos aquel día
Hipódromo clandestino, se dice tenia en su rancho
Caballos de pura sangre, cuantos la verdad quien sabe
Fue un domingo de carreras al que quisiera apostarle
"El Tahuachal" fue tu rancho fuiste el rey de la frontera
También jefe de la banda "la dinastía de Los Guerra"
Por todito Tamaulipas, son hasta por dondequiera
Adiós lindo Matamoros, solo tus recuerdos quedan
En la prisión de Reynosa tus amigos te recuerdan
Y aquí termina el corrido del señor Juan 'N' Guerra

<a href="/pt-br/translator/blackryder" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1429942">BlackRyder <div class="editor_icon" title="Editor" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 07.08.2019

Hi again! Bringing another bunch of pages with more info and videos from official channels to be added/modified and the usual. Thank you in advance to whoever has the time to modify them all, much appreciated!

Nelly Furtado - Girlfriend in the City
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS--J7BsAE0
Modify album info to: The Best of Nelly Furtado (2010)

Nelly Furtado - Stars
Update video with full version of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6iNsIxAMHM

Nelly Furtado - Palaces
Modify album info to: The Ride (2017)

Nelly Furtado - Sticks and Stones
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4yxf9UWfH8

Nelly Furtado - Something
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sxcWBgHsA0
Modify album to: The Spirit Indestructible (2012)

Nelly Furtado - End of the World
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bD1BH0Ltl8

Nelly Furtado - The Most Beautiful Thing
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn9SNRUjRDU
Modify album to: The Spirit Indestructible (2012)

Nelly Furtado - Miracles
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBsRCPXp97E

Nelly Furtado - Don't Leave Me
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J7gCiEt0e0
Modify album to: The Spirit Indestructible (2012)

Nelly Furtado - High Life
Update video with: https://youtu.be/zfF6Dilu86Q

Nelly Furtado - Believers (Arab Spring)
Update video with: https://youtu.be/2uzpbWpEGDk

Nelly Furtado - Hold Up
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBL6kZw1vNQ
Modify album to: The Spirit Indestructible (2012)

Nelly Furtado - Enemy
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyAoSQ0Srlg

Nelly Furtado - Hey, Man!
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ8NpjyycQM
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - I Feel You
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTMeB28lxkE
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - Baby Girl
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1Bf9fRdxY
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - I Will Make U Cry
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11jFh_qpvaQ
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - Party
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE1WRAVy0bI
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - My Love Grows Deeper (Part 1)
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBn0xlRtjws
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - Scared of You
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA--MF4NUZI
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - Trynna Finda Way
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1WHVPMDweg
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - Well, Well
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhYmAAifeh0
Modify album info to: Whoa, Nelly! (2000)

Nelly Furtado - Legend
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQDD-obOzJg

Nelly Furtado - Onde Estás
Update video with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7fIes0js1A

Nelly Furtado - Right Road
Modify album info to: The Ride (2017)

Unpublish songs/demos with no official release:

Moderador 👨🏻‍🏫🇧🇷✍🏻👨🏻
<a href="/pt-br/translator/don-juan" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1110108">Don Juan <div class="moderator_icon" title="중재자" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 05.04.2012

I changed a few stuff around, but not all of what you suggested. For instance, I don't think the background 'Aaaah's are needed, and I have to check if we'll allow character names to be added to lyrics, as we decided tags like Chorus/Stanza/Bridge/etc. were not allowed.

I also linked the entry to the 2019 movie OST page, so both versions of the song can be linked - had I put Rodrigo's name there it wouldn't show.

As soon as I have time I'll check the European version of the song.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/rujix" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1443211">Rujix <div class="editor_icon" title="  Editoija" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 08.01.2020


please change in featuring artist Lin Yanjun to Evan Lin

<a href="/pt-br/translator/lithium" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1471960">Lithium </a>
Associou-se em: 30.09.2020


Please remove the video links from the song titles:

Correct title: Elizabeth

Correct title: ارحب


<a href="/pt-br/translator/k93" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1345575">K93 </a>
Associou-se em: 16.07.2017

Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/lion-king-ost-preparados-be-prepared-euro...
Incorrect: Lyrics, Also performed by, Album
Correct: Preparados [Be Prepared] (European Portuguese)
Correct Album: O Rei Leão (Banda Sonora Em Português)
Also performed by: Mário Redondo

Eu sei que a tua inteligência
Nunca foi, nem será generosa
Mas prestem atenção, com paciência
Nas minhas palavras preciosas

Prestem atenção, concentrem-se
Pois quero que fiquem cientes
Que quando um rei sai outro entra
E é a razão para ficarem contentes

Preparados para terem boa vida
Uma vida sensacional
Chegou nova era, a velha já era

E a gente onde fica?

Já tudo se explica
A vossa presença terá recompensa
Quando eu ocupar o meu trono
Injustiças farei com que parem

Preparados. Estamos preparados! Para quê?

Para a morte do rei

Está doente?

Não, vamos matá-lo. E ao Simba também

Grande ideia! P'ra que serve um rei?

[Banzai & Shenzi:]
Abaixo o rei! La la la la la la

Idiotas! Haverá um rei!

Mas tu disseste...

Eu serei rei! Sirvam-me e nunca mais terão fome outra vez!

[As Hienas:]
É, viva o rei! Longa vida ao rei!
Viva o rei! Viva o rei!

O rei é um bom camarada
E o povo vai logo adorar

Vocês que serão mais amadas
Farão tudo o que eu mandar
Vou distribuir prémios caros
Aos que confiem em mim
Mas quero deixar muito claro
Não vão comer nada sem mim!

Preparemos o crime deste século
Preparemos o golpe mais baixo (Oooooo, la-la-la!)
Bem premeditado (A comer)
E bem calculado (Muito mais)
Que um rei rejeitado (Outra vez)
Será coroado (Sem parar)
Por isso eu disputo
Por isso eu luto
Pelo trono que terá que ser meu

Nem Mufasa, nem Simba mas eu
Serei rei!

[As Hienas:]
Que os amigos não te desamparem


<a href="/pt-br/translator/fary" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1097876">Fary <div class="moderator_icon" title="Модератор" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 18.11.2011

[@K93], the person who submitted the song is a Portuguese speaking mod, he'll check it when he can.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/geheiligt" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1087920">Geheiligt <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderator" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 10.07.2011
SongsEF wrote:


Can you please delete this translation https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/beggin-je-te-supplie.html ?
Most sentences are incorrectly translated with a bad french
"tu" and "vous" are also written in same sentences to translate "you" (which is incorrected) and some sentences means absolutely nothing


The translation has been unpublished. Didn't make any sense as you stated ;)

<a href="/pt-br/translator/k93" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1345575">K93 </a>
Associou-se em: 16.07.2017

Alma Barroca
Can you fix that version, please, because I've forgotten to rectify and edit something

K93 wrote:

Link: https://lyricstranslate.com/fr/lion-king-ost-preparados-be-prepared-euro...
Incorrect: Lyrics, Also performed by, Album
Correct: Preparados [Be Prepared] (European Portuguese)
Correct Album: O Rei Leão (Banda Sonora Em Português)
Also performed by: Mário Redondo

Eu sei que a tua inteligência
Nunca foi, nem será generosa
Mas prestem atenção, com paciência
Nas minhas palavras preciosas

Prestem atenção, concentrem-se
Pois quero que fiquem cientes
Que quando um rei sai outro entra
E é a razão para ficarem contentes

Preparados para terem boa vida
Uma vida sensacional
Chegou nova era, a velha já era

E a gente onde fica?

Já tudo se explica
A vossa presença terá recompensa
Quando eu ocupar o meu trono
Injustiças farei com que parem

Preparados. Estamos preparados! Para quê?

Para a morte do rei

Está doente?

Não, vamos matá-lo. E ao Simba também

Grande ideia! P'ra que serve um rei?

[Banzai & Shenzi:]
Abaixo o rei! La la la la la la

Idiotas! Haverá um rei!

Mas tu disseste...

Eu serei rei! Sirvam-me e nunca mais terão fome outra vez!

[As Hienas:]
É, viva o rei! Longa vida ao rei!
Viva o rei! Viva o rei!

O rei é um bom camarada
E o povo vai logo adorar

Vocês que serão mais amadas
Farão tudo o que eu mandar
Vou distribuir prémios caros
Aos que confiem em mim
Mas quero deixar muito claro
Não vão comer nada sem mim!

Preparemos o crime deste século
Preparemos o golpe mais baixo (Oooooo, la-la-la!)
Bem premeditado (A comer)
E bem calculado (Muito mais)
Que um rei rejeitado (Outra vez)
Será coroado (Sem parar)
Por isso eu disputo
Por isso eu luto
Pelo trono que terá que ser meu

Nem Mufasa, nem Simba mas eu
Serei rei!

[As Hienas:]
Que os amigos não te desamparem


<a href="/pt-br/translator/sindarytiy" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1383636">SindArytiy <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderatore" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 25.05.2018
Moderador 👨🏻‍🏫🇧🇷✍🏻👨🏻
<a href="/pt-br/translator/don-juan" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1110108">Don Juan <div class="moderator_icon" title="중재자" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 05.04.2012

I've already seen this request, but I unfortunately did not have time to correct it yesterday. I think that, at most, by Sunday, I'll do it. I'm not having much time these days - that's why I haven't been able to do it yesterday.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/k93" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1345575">K93 </a>
Associou-se em: 16.07.2017

No problem, Thanks
